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Topic: RE: is it normal to be so anxious?
I have to say that there is NOTHING wrong with YOU!!! I have one day left, and it has been spring cleaning day at my house, going through things, throwing them away, and vacuuming the corners by the walls!!! All of this is accompanied with the occasional tightening in my chest and stomach.... I so understand where you are at, but am also so excited!! What a great thing you have decided to do for YOU.... Not the wrong you the RIGHT YOU!! Take it easy, do some deep breathing ((at least that's what my surgeons office says will work!! LOL)) and know that there are tons of people here feeling the same thing and willing to support you when you need them! Best wishes!!
Topic: is it normal to be so anxious?
My surgery date is 9-24-03.I live pretty far from the hospital and have to go the day before my surgery for more tests(ie: type and cross match.) I have to leave my 3 year old son a whole day sooner than I had planned on. I am trying to prepare his things for the 5 days that he will be away from home, and I am trying to clean out closets and drawers and just doing things to my home that really does not matter. Things that you do only for spring cleaning or times that company may be coming for a visit. What's wrong with me????
Topic: im home
hi everyone this sonya , im finally home . i was in the hospital for 6 days . im not a very happy camper , keep the prayers coming i need them im havingalot of different things that are not good but not up to going into details right now thanks to everyone that prayed for me and thought about me . tomorrow makes a week i had surgery . hopefully i will be able to breath on my own with oxygen soon , well hope to hear from you guys soon with lots of encouragement because i have nnin fir my self right now lol bye sonya
Topic: RE: Surgery Date
I will be having surgery that day also!! Will keep you in my thoughts that day.
Topic: RE: I have a date
It is 5 days til my WLS, I have changed my mind about 4 times about this surgery. scared to death. I have been visiting my grandchildren over the last 4 days. I just want everything to be alright with this surgery. I am scared that I will be in the percent that something goes wrong. My grandchildren are my world. They just touch my heart in so many ways. Yes sure I could live with all the things that a over weight person deals with health wise, but if something were to happen to me during the surgery or after, I would miss the hell of my angels. It just makes me cry to think I would not be around to see them grow up. I just keep thinking You can diet, have the will power to lose the weight that way. why put myself in danger with this surgery. I guess these fellings are normal????????????? My husband of 24 years does not want me to have this surgery. My son in law does not nor does my daughter.I guess I can always put it on hold til I am really sure about this. I have a six hour drive back home to VA tomorrow. I will be thinking alot about pros and cons of having this surgery and calling the Doctor about my fears.not to
Topic: RE: September 22 is the date for me
This is the date for me too!!! I am so nervous but can't wait to get it over and be on the other side of the world.
What time do you ahve to be in the hospital? I have to be at St. Mary's here in Richmond VA at 5:30 am and the surgery is suppose to start at 7:30 am. I am never up this early, I should be still alseep when they put me to sleep.
Well, good luck with your surgery and I will keep you in my paryers. We will ahve to talk after surgery and see how we do. Keep me posted on your surgery and recovery.
Take care,
Topic: surgery date Sept 30th, 2003
Orginal surgery date Sept, 9th but due to and EKG abnormallity it is rescheduled for Sept 30th. Stress test scheduled Sept. 17th. Everyone wish me luck.. I am really looking forward to this surgery. After fighting with doctors and insurance co. for 6 months and finally getting a date, the day before surgery they find a abnormallity...So I don't know what is going to happen now...Thank you.
Tammy Varner
Jane Lew, WV
Topic: RE: Epidural
My Doctor's office advised me that if I was having an open procedure I would have the Epidural, but for a lap surgery I would not have one. A friend who has some medical knowledge suggested that it was because in a open surgery that that epidural allows the surgeron to have the ability to control blood loss better during surgery, and then allows for pain management after. With a lap procedure less blood loss, less pain, less need to control it.
Hope this help....
Topic: RE: September 22 is the date for me
Me Too ! I can't believe it's only 9 days away. I'm so nervous, scared, excited, but mostly scared. I'll be thinking about all those I know who have done so well, and thinking of you. Stay positive. Suzanne