How Does 200 Sound To You!!
Hi Everyone:
It's Friday so it's time for another episode of Jesse's Journal.
Today is a great day and a grand celebration. It took 36 weeks of dedication, desire and hard work and I can finally say that I weigh 200 pounds on the nose. That's a 173 pound loss from my pre-surgery weight of 373 pounds. I'm 53 pounds past my surgeon's goal and 25 pounds past my famous high school playing weight.
I know that although I have reached a important milestone, the journey is far from over. The real work begins now. Now that the weight loss has slowed down my resolve to maintain the basic tenents of Protein, Water and Exercise must become stronger. I'm now in the gym 6 days a week and have managed to increase my intake of protein and water. I'm feeling great, have tons of energy and the summer body is about there.
I am determined to be one of the most successful weight loss surgery patients ever! I believe that you have to maintain a mindset that you will be successful and use bumps in the road as challenges that will be dealt with and overcome the challenges to strenghten your resolve. Do not give in or give up. Just keep pushing forward and success will happen.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Till next time,