Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Omg I have My surgrey date Aug 4, 11
I just want to say congratulations on your upcoming surgery date. I will be having the Sleeve surgery on 8/2/11 and I am very excited. Wishing you the best.
Topic: So excited!! I finally have a date! 8/12
I finished all my required classes on June 20th and the Dr's nurse called me Tuesday to let me know I am scheduled for 8/12. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I start my 2 week liquid diet in the morning and I think it is the scariest thing I am facing in the weeks to come. Everything is so surreal!!! I tried to have the surgery 2 years ago but the insurance I had at the time wouldn't cover the surgery!! I strongly believe everything happens for a reason and there is a reason this is all happening now

Topic: RE: My date with destiny is 8-11-11
My RNY just got re-scheduled to Aug 11. See you on the loser's bench!
Topic: My date with destiny is 8-11-11
Scheduled for VGS in Shelbyville, TN by Dr Wayne Westmoreland! Working on the pre-op diet.... and excited! Nervous at time, but I know that is normal.
Topic: August 29 Surgery
I'm really excited that my date is set for August 29! Having it done at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth.