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Topic: RE: got a surgery date!
aw right around the corner for you. its a lot to be nervious about but imagine how great you'll feel in just a few months. its all gonna be worth it. im right here with ya. good luck!
Topic: Surgery Date and Nervous
Hello friends, my surgery date is on August 11 and I start my 15 day protein meals on Sunday. I have kids to feed and am having trouble with what to feed them during this time and soon after. I'm afraid I'll mess up. if anyone can offer suggestions I'd sure be grateful.
Topic: RE: Got my date! Aug 26th!!
My surgery date is August 15th. I start my liquid diet on the ninth the day of my pre-op. I am feeling so many emotions right now. I can't sleep at night. I feel excited,scared, and anxious. I can't sleep at night already I can only imagine how I'm not going to be able to sleep the night before.
Topic: RE: So excited!! I finally have a date! 8/12
Things have changed a little since this post... when the nurse called me in July she told me my surgery was scheduled on the 12th... me being a blonde I assumed it was August 12th. Boy was I wrong I actually don't have my surgery until Sept 12th. I'm ok with this because I do believe that everything happens for a reason!!! Congrats on the baby and the surgery. I haven't been able to have children and I'm really hoping that once I lose this weight I will be able to!
Topic: RE: August 22nd!! Anyone else?
I have to start my liquid diet the 9th and that is also my pre-op appt. My surgery date is August 15th.

Topic: RE: So excited!! I finally have a date! 8/12
Congrats! I was suppose to get the surgery 2 1/2 years ago but I got pregnant with my son. That is exactly what I said everything happens for a reason. Wow, you have to go on a 2 week liquid diet., and I was in shock about me doing 5 days. Lol. I just told me fiance last night that everything feels so surreal to me. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Topic: RE: got a surgery date!
Congrats!!! mine is the 15th. im excited but a little scared. good luck!!
Topic: RE: i have a date 8\16\2011
Congrats!!! My date is the 15th. My pre-op is the 9th and that is also my last day to eat too.