Healing Process
I don't know if I'm doing everything right, but I haven't had any issues at all. I've been able to keep everything down. I haven't had any emotional issues and I seem to have more energy now than before. Sometimes I'm not sure I've even had the surgery. LOL
I'm hoping to avoid the emotional issues, but I fear they are coming. I'm sorry you are having them. What kind of pain are you having? I've not had that either. The only think I'm not liking is waiting on the incisions to heal. I had my surgery a week before you. I didn't think it would take this long and they itch.
I'm hoping to avoid the emotional issues, but I fear they are coming. I'm sorry you are having them. What kind of pain are you having? I've not had that either. The only think I'm not liking is waiting on the incisions to heal. I had my surgery a week before you. I didn't think it would take this long and they itch.