Aug 10th check in
I guess I posted this before but... my browser malfunctioned. I am excited about surgery. I am so looking forward to the end of shots everyday. I am also looking forward to the weight loss. I am motivated and prepared to put in some work to get the desired result. I so welcome the challenge of changing my life style. I am looking forward to a healthier and more active life style. I know that sometimes when I tell people I am having WLS they think that some how I think it will be easy or a cake walk. Thanks to OH I was able to make a decision based off of realistic information, and not a fairy tale picture that someone else painted for me. I am nervous scared but so excited to get where I am going. So I try to remember before and hopefully after surgery the quote from the marines that helped me stay motivated so many times before. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" So I say bring on the pain, the change! I am gathering every bit of the fierceness that is so much a part of my personality and I will use it to be triumphant in my goals to reach the end of the road in my journey successful and healthier than I have ever been before. I look forward to embarking on this journey with all of you. Stay positive Believe in your self and tell the Haters to Shut up :) Mrs ZOE FLY
I'm with you! This may not be an easy journey, but it has some great "prizes" and I'm glad OH has given a more realistic look. I sometimes wonder if surgery was the "easy way out" as opposed to diet/exercise - then I slap myself and say that diet/exercise are still part of it! My surgery was Aug.9th - and though I'm not happy being sore and drinking fluids every 15 min - I'm glad to be on the healing side. I hope that you, too, are on the healing side and happy to be here!
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