So excited!! I finally have a date! 8/12
I finished all my required classes on June 20th and the Dr's nurse called me Tuesday to let me know I am scheduled for 8/12. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. I start my 2 week liquid diet in the morning and I think it is the scariest thing I am facing in the weeks to come. Everything is so surreal!!! I tried to have the surgery 2 years ago but the insurance I had at the time wouldn't cover the surgery!! I strongly believe everything happens for a reason and there is a reason this is all happening now

Congrats! I was suppose to get the surgery 2 1/2 years ago but I got pregnant with my son. That is exactly what I said everything happens for a reason. Wow, you have to go on a 2 week liquid diet., and I was in shock about me doing 5 days. Lol. I just told me fiance last night that everything feels so surreal to me. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Things have changed a little since this post... when the nurse called me in July she told me my surgery was scheduled on the 12th... me being a blonde I assumed it was August 12th. Boy was I wrong I actually don't have my surgery until Sept 12th. I'm ok with this because I do believe that everything happens for a reason!!! Congrats on the baby and the surgery. I haven't been able to have children and I'm really hoping that once I lose this weight I will be able to!