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Topic: RE: August 19th - Dr. Stephen V. Hamn; Baylor Frisco - VGS
Glad I found you tonight. Been looking for someone my age also. I am Sherry from SC, 55yrs. old. My surgery is Aug. 31 in Charlotte, NC. All of this happened so fast,,,,,,my gastro Dr. here in SC sent me to NC to see specialist about doing surgery for my Acid Reflux! THis was July 15 ! Had no idea WLS was even an option for me. Drs. told me the refulx surgery would not go away until I lost weight, and they suggested gastric bypass. I almost fell off the exam table! My husband and daughter were with me and their mouths flew open too.
We came home and I begin to resheach, talk to people who had it done, etc.
I have had test run,,,upper GI,Stress Test, HIDA test , X-rays, saw my family Dr. etc. etc.
I am exhaused,,,, but excited.
I am almost 100lbs over weight and only 5'3 inches tall.
I have been on every diet known to man and then some. If I saw it on TV I bought it, pills, video's, etc.
I have not told many people about the WLS, only the reflux surgery. Just not ready for the whole town to know,,,,,,I live in a small town where everyone knows your name and business, lol
Would love to hear back from you and maybe we can help each other go throught this life change.
My email address is [email protected]
Have a great day,
God BLess,
Glad I found you tonight. Been looking for someone my age also. I am Sherry from SC, 55yrs. old. My surgery is Aug. 31 in Charlotte, NC. All of this happened so fast,,,,,,my gastro Dr. here in SC sent me to NC to see specialist about doing surgery for my Acid Reflux! THis was July 15 ! Had no idea WLS was even an option for me. Drs. told me the refulx surgery would not go away until I lost weight, and they suggested gastric bypass. I almost fell off the exam table! My husband and daughter were with me and their mouths flew open too.
We came home and I begin to resheach, talk to people who had it done, etc.
I have had test run,,,upper GI,Stress Test, HIDA test , X-rays, saw my family Dr. etc. etc.
I am exhaused,,,, but excited.
I am almost 100lbs over weight and only 5'3 inches tall.
I have been on every diet known to man and then some. If I saw it on TV I bought it, pills, video's, etc.
I have not told many people about the WLS, only the reflux surgery. Just not ready for the whole town to know,,,,,,I live in a small town where everyone knows your name and business, lol
Would love to hear back from you and maybe we can help each other go throught this life change.
My email address is [email protected]
Have a great day,
God BLess,
Sherry Emory
Topic: RE: August 17th~
I am also scheduled for th 17th. Good luck to everyone on our new journey to a new way of life!
Topic: RE: August 17th~
I too am scheduled for surgery on the 17th. I can't wait.
WE all need to embrace the journey, this is the start of a new chapter in our lives.
Contact me if I can help you through this journey.
WE all need to embrace the journey, this is the start of a new chapter in our lives.
Contact me if I can help you through this journey.
Topic: RE: Surgery date moved a day later..
Same thing happened to me. But, I found out the Friday before when i called the hospital to find out my surgery time. They did not have me on the list for Monday 8/3. Uggghh. couldn't BELIEVE I wasn't on the list. I called Dr. office and they said I was the 3rd instead of the 2nd and they had changed it a month before. They said they told me, but they had not. THAT is something I would have remembered....Good luck to you!
Topic: Surgery date moved a day later..
My WLS was changed to the Aug 18th instead of the 17th. Thank goodness it was just the following day....
I can't wait to get this surgery over with.. Time to start my journey....
Topic: RE: Surgery Date 8/18/2010
Hi Sheila; I am not sure you wrote to the right person; my name is Dr. Dwight my surgery is 6/18
in Atlanta at Emory Midtown, looking forward to getting past all of the surgical procedures; and getting down to where I need to be weight wise-----------Faith will see me through! I preach it all the time as I have been a Methodist Minister for 39 years. Prayer works.
I'll be praying for you as well.
Dr. Dwight
in Atlanta at Emory Midtown, looking forward to getting past all of the surgical procedures; and getting down to where I need to be weight wise-----------Faith will see me through! I preach it all the time as I have been a Methodist Minister for 39 years. Prayer works.
I'll be praying for you as well.
Dr. Dwight