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Topic: RE: August 11 <Happy Dance>
congrats on your date! I'm getting banded on the 7th! good luck to you!!
Topic: surgery Aug 7th!!!
Yea! Surgery on the 7th. Just started pre-op diet. I'm nervous but also so excited. So glad this forum is here. I've been reading other posts on this site and it's nice to have such a fun supportive group of people around!!
Topic: RE: August 10, 2009...anyone?
I have surgey on August 25th with Dr. Almanza, please let me know how things go with your surgery>
Topic: RE: Aug 25th!!!
My surgery date is also August 25th. Where are you have your surgery done? I am going to Dr. Almanza in Tiajuana.
Getting so close. I have survived the wait, now it's just around the corner . I have never been small, or in good health, so thinking about myself a year from now seems like a dream. I feel so much better today since talking to my O.H. friends.
Topic: RE: August 4th
I, TOO am having my RNY on Aug. 4th!! Cannot wait!!! Been jumping through insurance hoops for 15 months at least... (SMILE)
Topic: RE: DS Surgery--August 3, 2009
Ya, the liquid diet sucks. LOL! The hardest time of the day is cooking dinner for hubby and kids. The smell just kills me and watching them eat is tough.
Everyday is getting easier though and I am losing weight.
Hope your diet is going well. What does drinking the magnesium citrate do? Clear ya out???

Hope your diet is going well. What does drinking the magnesium citrate do? Clear ya out???