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Topic: RE: Special K protein shake ok?
Hi, Regarding Skim milk or Non Fat Milk. Yes I agree most look like watered down yuk and taste horrible. However, the only non fat milk I will drink and taste very good is ORGANIC NON FAT MILK.
Taste great. Try it and see for yourself. A little extra money but well worth it. I am getting used to it now. My RNY surgery is on Friday.
Taste great. Try it and see for yourself. A little extra money but well worth it. I am getting used to it now. My RNY surgery is on Friday.
Topic: RE: Surgery on Monday, Aug 24th
Sending you prayers and well wishes. Had my surgery 5 days ago. All is well. Was easier than I expected. Hurry come join me
Topic: RE: Surgery Date AUGUST 24th
I will be praying for you. My date was August 19th I am doing well and so excited for this journey...Hurry come join me

Topic: RE: Special K protein shake ok?
Tell me about it! SF Jello is like the nastiest stuff ever. It has no nutritional value and makes me gag, so I don't even bother with it. Luckily I was already used to skim milk. The worst part of SF food is the aftertaste that lingers. It just tastes like you ate without any variety when that SF taste lingers.
Topic: RE: Special K protein shake ok?
Hi, I had RNY on 07/13/09. When I was pre and post op, I would drink chicken or beef broth. My sister had hers 5-6 years ago. She kept telling me that if I would buy the chicken and beef in the baby food aisle and mix it into the broth, that it would make it have more flavor. The more I thought about that nasty stuff that my babies wouldn't even eat, made my stomach flip flop. But, I tried it and it did have so much more of a chicken or beef flavor. My husband always mixed mine up, so I didn't actually see the baby food. Try it. The protein shakes that I use is Nectar by Syntrac. I think that is the correct spelling. It may be with a x on the end or I don't know. Just google Bariatric and you should be able to find it. It is a powder that you mix with 8 0z. of water. Put it in your shaker with ice and shake, shake, shake. It comes in a lot of different flavors. I love the Fuzzy Naval, Orange cream, Caribbean cooler is okay and I drink it but I will not reorder anymore. They have so many different flavors, Strawberry-Kiwi. I have tried the chocolate, vanilla, and they're some more. Give it a try. I have lost 45 lbs. in 36 days out. Good luck too you all!
Topic: Twas the Night Before The Night Before
littlemissmaggie's Blog
littlemissmaggie's Blog
Surgery August 25th . . .2009
Twas the Night Before the Night Before. . .
posted 31 minutes ago
Twas the night before the night before. . .
I decided to get out my instructions and read once more. . . .
My stomach filling full with a nervous tickle
Realizing wow, i am really in a pickle. . . .
I told my self,
it is for me and my health . . . . .
It is surgery that I really need,
for the sake of my future, my life indeed. . . .
In the first waking moments I may want to shout,
But no, i cannot, I cannot freak out . . . .
What the hell have I done . . . .
It's too late to run . . .
But, will, will it be too late. . .
For this is the beginning, the beginning of my new fate. . .
I might one day,. . be able to walk and take a jog . . . .
and play more with my kids and also my dog. . . .
In just a few months of following the rules. . . .
you might see me sitting, sitting along side a pool . . .
I wont be a size 5 . . .
but looking forward to being alive. . . .
Maybe then I will feel Healthier, Energetic and Happier. . .
instead of now. . .which is tired, crappy and crappier. . . .
So I am telling myself--- to just hold tight . . . .
It's gonna be rough--- but to fight the good fight. . .
And so here I am ---just starting Round One. . . .
My new life journey---- has just begun. . . .
littlemissmaggie's Blog
Surgery August 25th . . .2009
Twas the Night Before the Night Before. . .
posted 31 minutes ago
Twas the night before the night before. . .
I decided to get out my instructions and read once more. . . .
My stomach filling full with a nervous tickle
Realizing wow, i am really in a pickle. . . .
I told my self,
it is for me and my health . . . . .
It is surgery that I really need,
for the sake of my future, my life indeed. . . .
In the first waking moments I may want to shout,
But no, i cannot, I cannot freak out . . . .
What the hell have I done . . . .
It's too late to run . . .
But, will, will it be too late. . .
For this is the beginning, the beginning of my new fate. . .
I might one day,. . be able to walk and take a jog . . . .
and play more with my kids and also my dog. . . .
In just a few months of following the rules. . . .
you might see me sitting, sitting along side a pool . . .
I wont be a size 5 . . .
but looking forward to being alive. . . .
Maybe then I will feel Healthier, Energetic and Happier. . .
instead of now. . .which is tired, crappy and crappier. . . .
So I am telling myself--- to just hold tight . . . .
It's gonna be rough--- but to fight the good fight. . .
And so here I am ---just starting Round One. . . .
My new life journey---- has just begun. . . .
Topic: RE: Banded on 8/13/09
I am not sure about that.. I was only on clear liquids the night of my surgery.. I was started on full liquids the next morning (at the hospital)
Topic: RE: Special K protein shake ok?
Thanks for the info. I started buying all sugar free food 2 weeks ago. It takes a lot of getting use to. I bought some Atkins advance protein shakes today at Walmart. I will be doing the pre op liquid diet with me friend this week. The sugar free jello is terrible. Skim milk is like drinking water, but i guess I will have to get use to the taste for awhile. I am doing it with her now so when it comes my turn I hope it will not be so hard. I have not tried the Whey protein powder yet. I will just have to get use to eating so differently.
thanks again.
thanks again.
Topic: RE: Surgery on Monday, Aug 24th
Hang in there...sending prayers and good thoughts your way...
You'll be fine. The surgery really isn't that bad and will be over before you know it.
We'll be waiting for you on the loser's bench.

You'll be fine. The surgery really isn't that bad and will be over before you know it.

We'll be waiting for you on the loser's bench.