August 3rd
I am currently having issues with slowing down in my eating and drinking espically my drinking. I just kinda gulp with out thinking, does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you for any and all advice given.
Best wishes!
Oh, with the drinking... I have found that if I use much, much smaller cups (like 'kid' cups), I don't drink as much in each 'gulp'. Hope that helps! Also, at my pre-op informational meeting, I was told to use one ounce medicine cups to drink from...
I'm not sure how to anwser you as i'm not sure what they are each called. I know I am having my stomach cut or I think it is called the RNY. Thank you for the congrats to both of us or better yet all of us that have had it or that have made the decision to have it in order to live better, happier and healthier lives.
Thank you for the advice reguarding the sippy cup will help me.

I am very excited for you Kelly! I am also having my RNY on the 3rd of August at Penrose St. Francis Hospital in Colorado Springs, CO. This is a huge decision for all of us, but we all know it is the right decision.
As far as advice for slowing down your eating, I make sure the television is off, and I concentrate on my food, I also have an egg timer that times me for 30 min, and I make sure that i eat a bite every other minute. I don't know if this will work for you but it helps me. I also plan my meals and this is helping me to prepare for the "no drinking 30 min before or after meals". For gulping of water and other beverages, I have none, I try to be aware of it, but it doesn't always happen. I bought a hydracoach water bottle so that I can keep track of the amount I consume, but it is kinda hard to suck the water up, so that may help with the gulping :D Good Luck