lap band aug 3rd
You can do it Kathie. I haven't started yet but I know its going to be hard. I don't know how your doctor is but some say if you just have a small meal it won't affect things too much. Low blood sugar isn't a good thing either. I have diabetes as well and when my sugar gets below 115 I start feeling woozy. What are you using for the liquid diet? I am going to use boost glucose control as per my Dr. but I'm going to have another kind of shake around should my sugar get to low so that I can switch it up a little.
You're doing great and keep your chin up. I've heard the first 3 or 4 days are the worse and then your brain and stomach say FINE i guess I'll give up on getting real food. See you on the loser's bench!!!!
You're doing great and keep your chin up. I've heard the first 3 or 4 days are the worse and then your brain and stomach say FINE i guess I'll give up on getting real food. See you on the loser's bench!!!!