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Topic: Aug 29th
Im having RNY done in Danville, Geisinger Medical center on Aug 29th .with Dr. Petrick. is there anyone else having surgery there?
Topic: RE: I have a surgery date August 11 2008
Im so excited to have a new life coming my way....
I have been waithing aboutTwentyFive years for this.
I have tried so many time to take off the weight only to have the pounds just creep back on ..
I really beleive that this is tool I've needed all along...
talk about being over the moon with joy.....

Topic: 8.27.08
I have my date!! It was originally set for 7/28/08 but my co-worker is on vaca from Aug 1-8 so I had to postpone. I didn't realize that it would mean a month later. I'm just thrilled that I have my date though!!
I hope to have some Weight Loss buddies here! It would be great to share our journies together.
Topic: 8-8-8
I really like the ring to my surgery date. Since it's the start of my new life I think I'll be able to remember it.
- Iris
Topic: Dr. Aceves Aug 5 - anyone else?
I'll be in Mexicali Aug 4 - 8 and would love to talk to anyone else who will be there.
Jackie (multiplepetmom)