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Topic: RE: Whooo Hooo! Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy! I am scheduled to begin my new Life Aug 5th
Good luck to you!!!!
My date is August 11, I cant wait.
Pat Morin
Topic: RE: Surgery Date
Congrats!! I'm a day after you! Isn't it exciting? We go through a long process and to finally have the date that our lives will change is awesome!
Good luck to you!
Topic: RE: I have a surgery date August 11 2008
Me too !!! Me too !!! I'm getting a sleeve on the 11th of August 'downunder' !!!
Topic: RE: August 7th
Lorraine -- Hi again! Oh yeah, I'm nervous, but I also realize I don't have any choice at this point. My hips, knees, and back hurt so badly that I can hardly stand it. Also, I've had several surgeries in the past ten years, so I'm not afraid of that aspect. But WAH, I'll never be able to binge again. Oh wait, that's a good thing, HAHAHA!
I live in the Atlanta, Georgia area. My great grandparents were Canadian! One from PEI and one from Nova Scotia. Gee, we just might be related, ha!
I chose Mexico and Dr. Alvarez because my insurance wouldn't cover WLS no matter what. Also, when I looked into the Atlanta area doctors, either they didn't do the sleeve (and I am determined that's what I want), or I found less-than-flattering info about them. Okay, if I'm going to have to cough up $$$, let me find the best and cheapest doctor. When I googled sleeve gastrectomy, Dr. Alvarez's name was *everywhere*! I read and read about him, he is the second most experienced sleeve-doer in the Western Hemisphere, and he charges a flat rate of $10,000, whi*****ludes everything but my airfare into San Antonio, Texas. Woo hoo, I signed right up!
More later ... and I want to know about you! ... but I'm off to work. Email me directly if you want to: [email protected]. Take care! --Dorothy
Topic: RE: August 7th
Hi Dorothy. Great to hear from you. Are you getting nervous yet? I'm scared to death (well almost). Sometimes I find myself sitting at the table crying when I think about it. I'm having RNY laproscopic. I had thought about the VSG but it's really hard to get anything like that covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance) and money was definitely an issue. I live near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. How about you? Where are you from and why surgery in Mexico?
Topic: RE: August 7th
Hi, just saw your post! Yes, I'm on for August 7 with Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. Can't wait to get it over with! So birthday buddies we are

Topic: RE: Just got my surgery date, August 13, 2008. Excite and cautious at the same time
just wanted to say congratulation on your surgery date
Topic: RE: Whooo Hooo! Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy! I am scheduled to begin my new Life Aug 5th
congratulation on your date i hope everything gos well for you