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Topic: RE: 8/26/2008
my surgery is also scheduled for 8/26. I'll be prayer for the both of us.
Keep me informed and I'll do the same.
Topic: RE: Whooo Hooo! Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy! I am scheduled to begin my new Life Aug 5th
That's wonderful, congrats.

Topic: RE: Just got my surgery date, August 13, 2008. Excite and cautious at the same time
That's wonderful, congrats.
Topic: RE: Surgery Date!!
I agree with Raenette, start own month out right. That's wonderful, congrats.
Topic: RE: My New Beginning
I'm excited for you, my suregery is scheduled for 8/26. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Be Blessed
Topic: RE: Getting Banded on 8/06!
8/6 is my birthday, and 8/6 will be your renewal date for health and life.
God Bless