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I am one week one day out and I feel hungry. Well it could be in my head too. I was telling a friend last night. I made my boys eggs for dinner and thought about taking one bite. It probably would have filled me up. Then I thought no maybe I better start with cottage cheese so I took it out of the refridgerator and opened it... stood there and stared at it and thought no heck no! I'm not cheating. I am supposed to be on clear liquids til my doctors appointment next wednesday. I wanna be able to look that man in the eye and honestly say I have stuck with what I was supposed to do... And to be completely honest? I took the boys to disneyland because I was afraid to stay home anymore. I needed to get out. It definitely took my mind off the food. Had a great time and got some exercise in the process. Don't think I could have done better than that. :)
Don't be upset.... Give yourself some credit. How many times in your life have you went a couple of days without eating... much less a week. You are doing great!
Mary Lou
6 awesome post-op years & NO regrets!
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"
I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:) After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great! Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should. Now it's my turn to lose this weight! It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!