what to take to the hospital
PLEASE HELP ME.... I have no idea what I should take tothe hospital with me... they said that I should take an overnight bag... butwhat kind of stuff should I take... please anyone who has any ideas please let me know.. I have never had to stay overnight in the hospital so I have no clue at all what I should take with me... I guess you could say that I am having a blond moment... lol

Everyone says chapstick/lipgloss, some have even said a back scratcher would have been nice to have had ****ep one on my night stand lol) The hospital will provide most of what you need, but the comforts of home is what you want to focus on. I have a battery operated fan Im bringing, my lipgloss and body spray! lol....ya gotta love victoria secrets! lol
I have been told to bring comfy clothes to go home in but I figure i will arrive in a clean outfit and I wont be in that long so I will wear it home.
Maybe a few magazines in case your feeling good and feel like reading
Good luck with everything, congrats on your 'day' HUGZ!

Although this is my first WLS it is not my first time at the hospital. Shampoo / conditioner (their's sucks) tooth paste and tooth brush (again theirs suck) a good brush for your hair a bathrobe and anti skid slippers. If you are pickey take your own pillow other than that just take what makes you the most comfortable. A good book and or MP3 / ipod will help you pass the time, nothing ever good on hospital tv.
Y'all probably don't need to worry about nightgowns; the hospital gowns will be the most practical, and you can wear a second one backwards to cover the back if you're up walking around. Hopefully your hospital will have large size gowns; if they are doing bariatric surgery, they certainly should.
Take a notepad; you'd be surprised how often you find yourself wanting to write stuff down for one reason or another. And take your phone/address book or cell phone.
Take a notepad; you'd be surprised how often you find yourself wanting to write stuff down for one reason or another. And take your phone/address book or cell phone.
Out of all the stuff I packed in my bag, the only thing I ended up getting out of it, was my oversized nightgown I bought to wear home and my fuzzy wuzzy slippers. My sister was manning my phone. Didn't read the magazines, or hardly watch tv. I sipped water and pushed my morphine button every 6 minutes. I walked 3 seperate times during the evening. So I was excited when I got to go home at noon the next day!! :-)