A Medication Question...
Hi, I'm having gastric bypass in September or October (yeah!) and have been getting some mixed responses regarding a prescription I routinely take, Prozac. Some say the plastic capsules are a no-no after surgery, my psychiatrist says they are fine, the pharmacist doesn't know, but told me it is available in liquid form. This is regular Prozac, not the slow release kind. Anyone care to share their experience with me? Thanks.
Hi Sue,
I had the RnY on 15 Aug 2008 and also take prozac but the generic. The day after surgery they brought me three 10 mg capsules. I was really scared of taking them since I could barely handle a few small swallows of water. When I asked the surgeon he said it was OK to take them but I should take them one capsule an hour until I took them all. Since I take generic fluoxetine, I take one and a half tablets rather than the capsules. I haven't had any problem with the pills. If you are worried about the capsules consider talking to your pharmacist.
Good Luck,