2 months out!& still alive!!!
hi everyone well my bypass was on 6/10/08 i was 322 im now 266 im happy with that and im off all meds i had diabieties, sleep apnia, high blood pressure, hypertension etc. etc. 9 pills every morning and 5 every night now i take none thats the good news the bad news if there is any is that ive just started to be able to hold down food like yesterday i had 1/2 english muffen with a little peanut butter and it was great last week that would have come right back out i take alot of protien shakes because im trying to just loose fat and keep my muscle i work out every other day for an hour my dr says i should wiegh 168 i said she was crazy when i came home from viet nam 100 yrs ago i was 215 and in the best shape of my life i know i cant go back 30 yrs but i dont want to be a little guy. i did this because of all the co-morbidities i have 4 yr old twins and want to live long enough to see them pay there own rent ha ha anyone out there that can relate at all frank