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Topic: RE: Today is the day!
Congratulations Bobbie!! I'll be praying that your surgery is a complete success with NO complications or set-backs!!
God bless you!
Brenda :-)
Topic: RE: Three weeks post-op...having frustrations..helpppp
Hi, Lisa!
Great to meet you! I hope you get better with doing your protein drinks. Maybe order some from off the internet or try a health food store for something different? I know there are a few that I can't stand the smell of let alone drinking them! The ones I have trouble with are the Profect drinks. They come in a test tube looking like container and they stink to high Heaven. I can't stomach them. My bariatric nurse educator told me to hang on the all of them that I have (I bought a bunch of them) for a month or two because tastes and smells will change by then. She said I might be able to drink them with no problem by then. I don't see it happening, but who knows, LOL.
I talked to my surgeon today and it's very possible that I may be forming a stricture and need to have a dilation of my anastimosis (spelling?)-- the opening at the bottom of my pouch. I'm having a hard time keeping anything down, sometimes even water. I don't have trouble with my vitamins, though so that's good.
Oh, one other thing you might try that my bariatric nurse educator suggested to me is Carnation instant breakfast (the sugar free, of course). She said most people really have no trouble with it and it's got lots of protein in it. And it tastes good too!
I wish you the very best and will keep you in my prayers for a speedy and healthy journey!
God bless you!
Brenda :)
Topic: RE: 8.31.07 Lap Band Surgery Date!
i am also scheduled for friday aug 31, 2007. (at 1:00 pm) must say a little nervous. but i have read alot about the lap band in mexico and feel ok about that part. i think im more worried about the traveling and crossing the border.
Topic: new to forum..just wanted to say hey
HI. I'm Holly. I had RNY last Thursday.. Aug 16. I'm doing great I guess no body was sore for about 4 days.. heat helped a lot. I still sleep in my recliner I miss my bed. Saw my Doc today he moved me to creamed soups and pudding and milk stuff. 2 weeks I can have purreed stuff.. However.. I have a concern. I eat my 2 tblspoons..and don't feel full. but stop eating anyways.. I just bawled to my fiance cause I'm concerned that I always think I am hungry or I could eat. I'm just doubting myself. Does anyone feel hungry?
Topic: RE: rny to ds
Hey there Alice,
I know it's hard, but give yourself another chance, your pouch is still there to help you. I fell off the wagon, and started plateau ing because I was no****ching what I was eating. I went to the Doc and he told me that all it is is "head hunger" they help us with giving us a tool and we just have to learn to use it. Stop and think hard, is it really head hunger, try to increase your protein, and that will help. To break my plateau I am currently on a plateau buster diet, and I have lost 4 pounds since monday. It works, don't give up, you could do it. You went under the knife and risked your be successful not to gain the weight again.
It is also dangerous, you say you have a hernia and an ulcer, I think the revision could be pretty risky as well. Think about this long and hard, give your pouch another chance, you can do it, if I could do it, ANYONE can.
Topic: RE: 6 days post op
My stomach growled a lot too for the first week. Heck, basically all my innards gurgled.
For liquids, try getting some chicken noodle soup and only having the broth. I practically lived on that for four weeks. Got a little old, but always sat well.
I definitely understand about the protein drinks. I think there are very few people other there who's first food choice would be a protein shake.

Bravo to you and your willpower...ONLY 4 MandM's wow, I couldn't do that especially the peanut ones. LOVE THEM!!!
I cheated a little bit the other night myself. I've been really good about eating right everything. Until a MASSIVE chocolate craving hit... I had four M&Ms. They sat fine and satisfied my craving.
As my hubby put.. four M&Ms is a lot better than a 1/4th of the bag!
Be easy on yourself.. no one is perfect.

you're right. Now I am having my protein shake. why do I always sabotage my success...I don't know.