I'm not ignoring you guys, I promise!
Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been on much this past week. I'm really in the thick of learning this new job and also still hammering away at my internship with the college I attend. The internship should end in another couple or three weeks. Then I won't be working from 7:30am until 8pm. Been long days and not much time for computer
. I sure miss it!
I hope you all are doing great and feeling even better than great!
I love you all! Cheers to our success!! We are a winning bunch of losers!

Hi Brenda, Glad to see that you're still checking in. It's pretty quiet here these days. Don't work too hard. You sound pretty busy. Will you get any vacation this summer?
That's the nice thing about where I work. I get a week off every 6-8 weeks not including my actual vacation. I just finished a week off. The only problem is having to head back to work after it. Talk to you soon.