OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am totally freaked out right now. Went to Walmart to get some smaller pants and I actually fit into a size 8! The last time I fit into a size 8 was um....well...22 years ago. I went out and got another size 8 just to make sure it was true lol. I LOVE LOVE my surgery and am so thankful I had it done. Best decision I ever made. I have to wear stretchy waists still because of all of my JELLY BELLY but you cannot have it all right? I go to the DR. Thur. for my six month check up. Kinda scared of all the blood work. Keep your fingers crossed for me. U all are so awesome on here, and I know you know how weird it is to be buying smaller clothes...it is like unreal!!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Now, I do not know if I will go see the Dr. tomorrow cuz it is supposed to snow! I live about an hour and a half away, and AM NOT a good driver on snow and ice. I have to take my children with me too, and I hate to take them out on the road in those conditions. So, I am just going to see how it is in the am, and maybe reschedule! Thanks so much for your support! Sometimes, I look in the mirror and look exactly the same to myself. DO you ever feel that way? It is weird, all of this getting used to stuff I guess. Anyway, keep in touch. You are cool peoples!!!
to answer the question "do i still feel that way"....YES. now logically speaking....anyone who goes from a size 20 to a 12 OBVIOUSLY has lost some weight.....yet every time i look at myself in a mirror i see the SAME EXACT person i was 6months ago!! its REALLLLLLLY REALLLLLLLLLY annoying! im hoping and praying and eventually i know it will happen, but i wanna see that skinnier person looking back at me! haha.
it is wierd ur right...but in due time it will all be normal again.