Pre-Op: 232 Surgery...
Pre-Op: 237
Surgery Day: 237
Current Weight: 169
Total Loss: 68
Surgery Date: 8/8/07
The whole month of December I never lost a single pound. I have been so frustrated!! I have also noticed it seems like I am always looking for something to snack on. It feels like I am so hungry all the time. Oh how I just need to get back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the month of January, so far I have lost a whole whoppin 2 pounds. I have just switched jobs and am a little stressed over that. With the job switch I have been unable to find the time to get my ass back to the gym. I know I have to make the time....and I know I am just making excuses....but with me drive time I have now (a little over an hour each way), I wanna just get home to get the house work done and to get to bed to only get up in the morning and start all over again. I just get so frustrated with myself sometimes.
Sorry peoples....didn't mean to vent here.....but it did help

Hi Heather
Just want to say congratulations on the new job. Stress can keep you from losing, and we all know December is one of those months, and the swich of jobs.
Just remember that your #ONE and you have to put yourelf FIRST, I know it's easyer said then done, but if you dont do it no one well..
It's all about loving ourselfs first, does this make sence?? I have to tell myself this time to time, and when I dont I have a friend to remind me. Falling in the slumps is not good, and to hard to climb out of but not imposable.. KEEP YOUR CHIN UP AND GET BACK ON TRACK...
Venting is good..... and knowing your not alone...... is even better!!!!

I know how you feel. When I weighed in at Curves this month I only had lost 5 pounds last month. I felt like I had let myself down. I was so use to losing 10-15 pounds a month that I got spoiled. Now I am battling those hunger demons you are talking about. I catch myself snacking more than I should. I know it's because I am not getting in enough protein in the mornings. If I get in alot of protein at a meal I am not snacking in between. I have just pretty much decided that my body is in control and not me. So it will lose when it's ready to lose.LOL Until then I am working on getting in my exercise and upping my protein intake.