Will I actually go COMPLETELY Bald?!??!!?
Go****hought I was the only one losing hair -- thank God, it's a bunch of us. My dietician suggested a "****tail" of eight different supplements to help....but I take so many pills now, I'm only going to add biotin and zinc and see if that helps. I am seriously thinking of getting a wig....my hair in front is so thin you can see my scalp -- not pretty. I use nioxin shampoo and conditioner and have for several years, but it's not doing a lot for this except maybe keeping it from falling all out completely.
I know this is a side effect of WLS, and will just have to wait and see what happens....I know it will grow back some day, just don't know when .... LOL!
Ladies, ladies, don't panic. My hair loss is so severe that I could see my scalp on two sides in the front.
Last week I went to the hair saloon and told my hair dresser to do whatever she had to cover it up. My hair is now very short but at least she covered the bald spots by layering the top of my hair with a blade instead of cutting shears. It also made me look younger. Good Luck to all of you and remember it's all temporary.

I had my surgery on 08/27/07 and I started losing my hair about 3 weeks ago too, but this week I have noticed that I have been losing A LOT. I'm taking all my protein and using the Nioxin hair care system. One of my best friends had her RNY 3 yrs. ago and almost went bald too. She started using the Nioxin products and it slowed down the hair loss and made her hair thicker and stronger but she said that it took longer to grow back than prior to surgery. I am praying that using the Nioxin products will slow down the process for me too because at this rate, I will definitely be bald by New Years.

OMG. I am so worried I am going to end up being the first to go bald to. I actually and had handfuls fall out. Everyone has always said I have great hair. but until now when I'm losing it I took it for granted.. Plus I have this addiction with twisting my hair.. I have twisted my hair since I had hair. I am now 27. I can't lose all my hair it would kill me. I have prayed and asked God to help me not lose all of my hair..Anyways.. just thought I would share my worry to.
Well... I am losing hair like crazy also!! I dread my showers as that's when I notice it the most. I had thin hair to start with and my surgeon warned me that I probably would have some bald spots and I may want to invest in a wig. He was brutally honest .. but I like that. He said it usually starts at 3 months. He was right on target. I went to see my dermatologist about this and he upped my Biotin to 4000 mg a day. Biotin helps with hair loss. My surgeon also has me on 100 mg of Zinc for the hair loss. I am surprised that alot of you didn't know about Biotin. I have not heard of taking the prenatal vitamins for that. I am very confident in my dermatolgists recommendation. I mean he deals with this stuff on a daily basis. However, it takes a couple of weeks for the Biotin to get into your system. What we don't need we urinate out so it is not toxic in large doses. I bought myself a wig and said the heck with it!! That way when and if it gets really bad I will have a backup plan!! I am waiting for my increased dose in Biotin to kick in. I will share more as the new dose starts to work. I guess we can be grateful that we don't have cancer and are losing hair because of chemo. I have tried to think of the positive things and not so much of losing my hair because I had surgery. Just a thought to ponder. We are lucky!! We are losing weight. Yay for us!!