Will I actually go COMPLETELY Bald?!??!!?
Okay I started losing hair about 3-4 weeks ago (surgery date 8/14/07). I am taking prenatal vitamins to help, trying to get in reccomended amounts of protien..YET I AM LOSING MY HAIR BIG TIME! I'm losing sooooooooo much every day. Does anyone actual go bald? I am seriously afraid I might me the first. HELP! When does it slow down!?!?!?
My surgery date was August 2nd and I'm losing hair by the handfuls everyday too. My nurse educator told me to expect from about 3 months post-op until about 6 months post-op. It's common among WLS patients. I'm just hanging on hoping it slows down before I can see my scalp more than my hair!
Let's keep in touch and see when it starts to slow down for us ok?
God bless you!
I also have had some hair loss(surgery 8/23/07) but it hasn't been horrible yet. I do notice quite a bit in the morning after I shower and I comb my hair. But I have a ton of hair in the back parts! I just hope that I don't lose much in the front because I have thinner hair there already. But it will be what it is and I know that it will eventually grow back so I am just prepared to deal with my thinning hair!! With all the other pluses that have happened this is one small thing in comparison(at least to me) SO good luck and I hope it slows down for you. I don't believe I have ever heard of anyone going bald~but it does get thinner. Kristi
(deactivated member)
on 12/1/07 4:41 am - San Antonio, TX
on 12/1/07 4:41 am - San Antonio, TX
I've seen a few people who were close to bald and used wigs, but most people just get mild-moderately thin. I don't have a lot of hair to begin with, and it started falling out @ month three. Its falling out pretty bad now, and the loss is noticeable. I THINK it might be slowing down a little though, because my last few showers weren't nearly as upsetting as previous ones. The amount of time you lose hair varies (sometime in months 3-9) and the amount definitely varies too. I don't think there is anything we can do except keep up our protein and nutrition, hope, and wait for it to grow back thicker and more luxurious. Some people take biotin to help the new hair growing in, but it doesn't help you keep your old hair.
Best of luck!
I can Imagine it would be funny for someone watching me when I shampoo my hair, I am constantly looking at my hands to see if there is any hair loss & then picking out my hair is the same, constantly looking at my pic...so far no loss but I am sure it is coming, I am 13wks out, I have been using a hair thickening shampoo thinking when it does start coming out "maybe" it won't look so thin, my nut suggested taking prenatal vitamins only during hair loss so I may try them, they won't stop the loss from happening just give my body an xtra boost. good luck everyone....
Well, I too am losing my hair like crazy. Thin to begin with too. Too bad the gray ones seem to be the ones sticking around!
. LOL.
But I do have some bald spots / thinning spots. Not happy about it. I don't think I can go 3 months. I will be one of the bald ones. Not a wig person either, so gosh only knows what I'll be doing.
Oh well. Hopefully we all will make it through this.

I had surgery on 8/15 and am loosing tons. I had 4 foot long hair and actually cut it to chin length to try to lesson the weight on what is left. My hair was one of the only things I actually LIKED about myself b4 this weight loss!!! I am so sorry you are going through this too, I know it makes me cry everyday when I clean my brush out. I hope I dont go bald too!!!!
Thank you for writing, it helps me to know I am not alone in my fears!!!
My surgery was at the end of the month, so I am still waiting. . . I keep running my hands through my hair to see if I end up with handsful of hair. Our bodies are definitely interesting. My grandmother had red hair. After she gave birth to my mother she lost all of her hair. It came back in black. Well, that's the story I've been told all my life and I'm stickin' to it. LOL
My surgery was on 8/3/07. I have been losing hair now for about a month. Somedays it's worse than others. I have VERY thin and fine hair to begin with. Before surgery I used the Nioxin products. I was pretty successful with them. So I have gone back to using them. I am hoping it will help with regrowth. The good news is that my hairdresser said she can see the new growth coming in. But my hair takes so long to grow I don't know how long I will have to wait. I am also using a hair thickener by Aquage. It's really helping too. It was recommended to me by my hairdresser. Just plumps up the hair some.
We are all different so what works for one may not work for another. But it's good to know we are all in this together. I was told about a lady that had to get a wig. She also had a Thyroid disease which wasn't helping with her hair loss. She went out and got a wig and let me tell you she looked WONDERFUL!!! If I looked that good I would wear a wig myself.