Hi All,
I has surgery 8/8 and I am sooo frustrated. For about the past week I have been stuck at 277 and I just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing stalls or if it's just me. One day I was down to 274 then back up to 277 the next day and there I have stayed. Sorry, I really just needed to vent about this. If it makes a difference I am just about at the 50 lbs. since surgery mark. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks all!
I am 12 weeks post op today. In that 12 weeks I have had 4 weeks of stalls. The first stall was 15 days and I am in a stall now that has lasted more than 10 days. But I have to think before this stall I lost 20 pounds in 20 days. I am trying to be positive about this. I keep thinking my body needs to slow down. when I was losing that fast I felt wiped out all the time. This last 10 days I have actually had more energy. I know when my body is ready to start losing again it will. Until then I just keep doing what I had been doing.
We are not known for our patience are we??? I have had several stalls and gains in my 7 weeks. The gains are only a pound or two and end up coming back off. I know, however, that I am not doing anything wrong and that the laws of physics are in my favor. The pounds have to come off. I have only lost 25 lbs since surgery on 8/28. But I did lose 60 lbs pre surgery so I guess I can't complain too much. Pay attention to how your clothes fit. And for me a biggie was with my car. My stomach no longer rubs the steering wheel, I no longer have to use the seat belt extender and yesterday I noticed I was having to stretch up to see out of my mirrors. So obviously my butt is shrinking too and I'm sitting lower in the seat! LOL
I am a compulsive weigher so I won't even tell you to not weigh daily. 50 lbs in that length of time is awesome!!! Celebrate!!
I to have had my stalling, it makes it hard when you read others are losing 20lb a month. I had surgery 8/20/07 so I right at 2mo out. Ive lost 36 lb. since surgery, and 10 befor. total of 46 lb, I know thats great, just wish I could be a biger losser. LOL
I fill pretty good most of the time, I drink my water and do my workouts, and I dont eat very much less then 1/2 a cup and I dont snack. So what am I doing wrong!!
Hi Edna!
You're not doing anything wrong, you're doing GREAT!! I think as a group of losers we're ALL doing great. We all need to remember that our bodies are dropping weight rather quickly (I was told I'd lose 10-15 lbs/month for the first six months--give or take) and they hit a point at which the body says..."heyyyy wait a doggone minute! You're starving me compared to what you used to feed me!! I can't continue to drop this much this fast...PHEW...gonna take a break for a bit!" And it's ok to let our bodies do just that. Come on now, we didn't gain all this weight overnight, we aren't gonna lose it all overnight either, right? I think 46 lbs is GREAT!! Just hang in there and don't let yourself be discouraged! I think as WLS patients we all tended to think we'd lose ungodly amounts of weight in a short period of time. It's just not so. Try thinking of it this way-- what OTHER diet have any of us ever been on that we've lost close 15-20 lbs per month? Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Diet Center, etc NEVER provided me with that big of a loss every month even when I stuck to it religiously. Realistically, our bodies can only lose weight so fast before it becomes unhealthy. And one of the HUGE reasons we all did this was to become and remain more healthy, right? So, look on the bright side, we're all weighing a WHOLE LOT LESS than we did when we started this journey! HOORAY FOR US!! We're all a bunch of losers--and we love it, right?
I hope this helps to make you guys all feel better about the weight that you have lost, and to remind you that your body can only take so much and then it needs a break. One other thing to remember is, that generally when you're in a stall--weight doesn't come back on--it stays just takes a bit for the losing to start again
God bless you all!!

I've been having a stall week this week too. I had surgery 8/2.
I notice when the weight comes off, I don't seem to notice clothes fitting differently, but when I'm stalling, clothes seem to get dramatically looser during those times. I'm a true believer in the "your body is catching up" theory.
I also have times when I will go up and down the same couple pounds over a week. As long as you're rocking your tools, you'll start losing again soon.

It sure is comforting and encoraging to come here and read that you all have had stalls too! They sure are frustrating especially when you know your calorie intake is so low, your'e exercising like crazy, you're getting your fluids and protein and you wonder who could this be! Then all of a sudden your body gives up and there you do again and you're losing. Till the next time. I guess when I'm stalling again I'll come here and whine so I can make sure I'm not the only one. Misery does love company right?

That's soooo strange, I am stuck at the EXACT same number! I've been down to as low at 273, but always seem to creep back up to 277. That is the weight I have been for most of my adult life, before I gained alot with my pregnancy last year, so maybe my body is yelling at me that it thinks this is where I should be! But I'm trying not to get discouraged. I'm thinking about going on liquids again for 2 days, to drop me back under, and get me feeling better... good luck