Time to See What Everyone's Eating Now?
Hi Everyone,
I am now 6 weeks out and slowly starting to eat some of the lower calorie, high protein Lean Cuisines (though I try not to get the ones with too many carbs) and since I hate protein shakes, I got some South Beach Protein Bars. I also still have cheese, some Ryvita crackers, turkey meatballs, fish, high fiber cereal, weight control oatmeal and chicken.
What is everyone eating?
well im still struggling with the protien, not much of an appetite. i really try to avoid chicken...have had some fish. still doing protein drink for breakfast..ocassionally oatmeal. for lunch sticking with soups. i just bought liquid protein to give myself an extra boost.
LND: 10 almonds
Breakfast: 3 small organic peanut butter cookies 1/2 banana
Snack: 5 wheat thins
Lunch: small bites of meatballs w/marinara
Snack? either a cheese stick or diced peaches
Dinner? whatever i dont eat for snack will have for dinner
Water: working on it
Vitamins: 1/2 done
Here's today:
B - Myoplex 20 g protein LITE low carb shake
1/2 small apple
Snack - 1 oz. almonds
Lunch - 2 oz tuna with low fat mayo (fat free has high fructose corn syrup in it!)
2 whole grain seeded crackers (3 g protein)
Snack - 1/3 protein bar.
Dinner - 5 shrimp
I eat eggs, shrimp, chicken, fish, nuts, shakes, bars, meatballs, hamburger with cheese (no bread), Wendy's chili, cheese - those are my staples.
I eat...pretty much nothing. Going on Tuesday (for my stinkin birthday) to find out why I cannot eat or drink even water. Thank god for the people on this board who pointed out I may have a stricture. I called my surgeon and they said "well, you are drinking too fast.....WHAT!!!!???? I cannot drink shakes, or eat normal food. Just mostly yogurt.
I think it will get better. Thanx for posting this, because without comparason we don't know what the average (I wont say normal) is. Went from having a full head of 4 foot long hair to thin and short around my ears. Listen people, pat yourselves on the back for coming out ok, and eating as you should - but for the grace of god......
I eat eggs, chicken, fish, nuts, meatballs, hamburger with cheese (no bread)
I tried to eat 800-1000 cal with 80grams of protein I did that for about 2 weeks but it seemed like I was eating all the time and I gained weight. Now I am back down to 550-600 cal with 50 grams of protein. I am going to slowly try to increase but not in a hurry till I plateau again.
Best think I have found is Beach Diet Chocolate Peanut butter meal replacement bar. 210 cal 19g protein I eat at least one or 2 a day and they taste something like a rice crispy treat (really