Found out what problem is

on 9/12/07 10:59 pm - Powell, WY
Hi everyone! I saw my surgeon yesterday and found out what my problem is in getting foods to go down. It has nothing to do with my pouch or anastimosis. What I have isn't common, so I thought I'd post about it in case anyone else ends up with the same symptoms. I'm having trouble getting any food to make it down to my pouch. I constantly feel like I have to burp after swallowing absolutely everything (even water!). I had an upper GI done yesterday and it shows that the opening of my pouch to the small intestine is draining just fine. However, I'm experiencing reflux since surgery. I've never had a problem with heartburn/reflux in the past so this was a total surprise. My doctor showed us on the pictures from the upper GI what the problem is. I have what's called Berett's (spelling?) ring. It's a ring that forms around the esophagus (sp? lol) and is causing it to be restricted. She has me on Reglan and Prilosec to get this healed so I can move on to eating like I should be. It's hard to enjoy eating (first time in my life I've EVER hated eating!) or even want to eat when something like this is going on. Anyway, got the diagnosis, got the probable fix, moving onnnnn----> I hope none of you out there suffers this, but if you do and you read this post, maybe it can help you. God bless all of you and may your journey(s) be uneventful and successful! Brenda
Brenda C.
on 9/14/07 3:17 am - Harrisburg, PA
Hi Brenda! I havent seen my Dr yet post op, but I see him next Tuesday. However...I also have the same problem with burping. I feel as If I have to burp all the time and after I eat/drink anything! Most of the time I do burp, but sometimes I can't and it's irritating because the feeling is still there. Also, I havent had much trouble keeping things down but I do get a pain in the middle of my chest a LOT when I eat. 3 x's it made me dump the pain was so bad. Do you think I could have the same problem as you do? Thanks! Brenda (BizzyB)
on 9/14/07 11:34 am - Powell, WY
Hi Brenda! I do think that you could be suffering the same problem as me. I know when I have that pain in my chest and that burping feeling, I have to excuse myself to the bathroom and (I'm sorry this sounds so gross) burp it up. That's the only way I can get the rest of my food to go down. It's also the only way I can get those miserable feelings to go away. I'd recommend calling ahead to your doctor and asking them to set you up with an appointment (before your appointment with him) for an upper GI. Then when you see him, explain what's happening and tell him about what I found out from my surgeon. You can tell him (if you want to) that my doctor put me on Reglan and Prilosec OTC to help cure my problem. The Reglan is a digestive aid and the Prilosec is for reflux problems. It's made a WORLD of difference in my condition already after just three doses of each medication. PLEASEEEEE let me know what you find out ok? I'll keep you in my prayers! God bless you! Brenda
Brenda C.
on 9/15/07 4:28 am - Harrisburg, PA
Brenda...That sounds like a plan! I will definately call my Dr's office on Monday and see if they'll schedule an upper GI. Then see what the doc says on Tuesday and I'll relay your situation to him because they definately sound real similar. I saw my nut this week and she said I'm not getting enough calorie intake. She wants me to get about 800 daily and I'm only getting a little over 400. I know that this problem has something to do with it because I'm at a point where I don't even look forward to eating. I get hungry but when I eat I ALWAYS get that pain between my breasts. Like an hour ago...I ate and my very 1st bite, there's the pain again and the burping all throughout the meal. Actually, I really hope what you have IS the problem because then I know there's a solution. Reglan & Prilosec. This is really getting to be a problem as I don't look forward to eating at all. Thanks so much for your info Bren! I will definately let you know what happens when I see the Dr. Again, THANX! Bye for now... Brenda (BizzyB)
on 9/16/07 7:54 am - Powell, WY
Hi Brenda! Did I ever mention that I love your name? LOL! I wanted to let you know how my condition is as of now. I'm still struggling with the same difficulties, but my doctor told me it could take up to two weeks to notice a difference on the Prilosec. I was hoping for a MUCH faster response than that. But today has been a bit better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it helps more and more in the coming days. One thing I did want to mention is that since we don't have a real easy time taking pills, and because some of them don't absorb like they should because of coating, I've been cutting the Prilosec in half (and the Reglan I had her give me in elixir) and it makes it easier to take and also makes it possible for it to dissolve easier since the coating is broken in half also. I'm not sure if it's helping, but I know it sure can't hurt. I'm anxious to hear what your doctor has to say on Tuesday. I hope yours is as easily resolved as mine was! God bless!! Brenda
Luchianna B.
on 9/14/07 7:26 am - Pittsburgh, PA
That must really suck, but look on the bright side: you must be dropping weight like crazy. It will all will work out for you, God Bless and Good Luck!
on 9/14/07 11:37 am - Powell, WY
I've lost weight for sure, but it's a miserable way to do it. I'll be really glad when this medication has completed its work and I'm feeling much better. Thank you so much for your support!! I wish you many blessings and a fast, successful and uneventful journey! God bless you! Brenda
on 9/18/07 11:57 pm - Midland, MI
OMG This sounds exactly like what is happening to me!!!!!! Thank you so much, I swear I am crying to think that it wasn't me just being weird, someone else has the same problem and it can be fixed!!!! Thank you so much! tara
on 9/19/07 2:35 am - Powell, WY
Hi Tara! I'm glad I could shed some light on what's happening to you! I will be talking to my doctor again today or tomorrow. I know she said it could take a couple of weeks before I noticed the Prilosec helping, but I can't take this for another week (saw her a week ago today). It's been 5 weeks of this misery and I can't do it anymore. I'm talking to her and getting an appointment set up to have my esophagus dilated. When they can do that, why do they make us wait and try meds? *shakes head* makes noooooo sense to me to keep us in misery any longer than necessary. Tara, please keep me posted on your condition and what you find out ok? God bless you! Brenda
on 9/23/07 2:03 am - Powell, WY
Hi all! Well, I had the procedure done this past Friday (Sept 21) to dilate my esophagus and I can't put into words the relief I feel!! It's a procedure that takes about 30 minutes and is not a big deal. The only pain from it is a slight sore throat. A sore throat I can deal with, not being able to eat was something I couldn't deal with anymore. I say if any of you are suffering this problem TELL your doctor, not ask, that you want an upper GI done and that you want this procedure done. I don't know why they wait and let us suffer so long when it's unnecessary to do so. One hour after the procedure was finished I was sitting at a mexican restaurant eating with nooooooo pain or suffering! I ate food I was allowed, and it went down wonderfully! This procedure is known by two names, the easy one is endoscopy (end-aw-scopy) and the long one is esophogastrodeuodenoscopy (esopho-gastro-doo-aw-den-aw-scopy). It's where they go down your throat with a scope and a balloon and dilate the restricted area with the balloon. It brings such relief! If you're having the same problem I was having, PLEASE tell your doctor you want this procedure done--NO MORE SUFFERING!! God bless you all! P.S.(It also helped me get past my stall--I've started losing again!) Brenda
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