Hubby makes cute WLS joke
I thought you'd all get a kick out of my Hubby's humor. We were doing our usual morning walk together and talking about something or other we were going to do in the future and he KIDDINGLY said.. "Well that's if you'll still want me around by then".
I came back with "What makes you think I'm going to want to DUMP you?"
He said.... "Well I'm so sweet that maybe I'll make you DUMP"

How funny!! LOL! Sounds like something my hubby would say! It sounds to me like we have a great bunch of hubbies! I wouldn't trade mine for the world! He tells me every morning that he's so proud of me and that he admires my courage. He's been my rock through the whole process. I believe he's as much a part of this process as the changes in habit. He keeps me focused and encouraged. When I get discouraged, he reminds me just where I started at and where I'm at now. And in the process with the complication I'm dealing with he keeps reminding me that this is only temporary, that this too shall pass, and when it does--JUST THINK WHERE YOU'LL BE! He's the greatest! God handpicked him for me, and I thank Him everyday!
I really gotta finish bragging him up. LOL! -- On April 9th I quit smoking. I told him that I thought since I was taking steps to make myself healthier and totally changing my lifestyle for the purpose of being healthier, I thought he should quit smoking too, especially since he's 12 years older than I am. He said, "Ok, I will." I about fainted on the spot!! He's been a smoker since he was 17 or 18 and he's now 54. So he's smoked for 36 or 37 years. It was a tough decision for him but he agreed with me that if I was willing to go through surgery and a total lifestyle change, that he could meet me this far. We went to his doctor and talked to him about Chantix. The fairly new drug that's being used to stop smoking. It blocks the receptors in your brain that tell you you want a cigarette. Anyway, he got on Chantix and on June 7, 2007 my awesome hubby became a non-smoker!! He's still on the Chantix but it sure has made quitting much easier than any other method he's tried before. His committment to not smoking is as strong as mine to follow the lifestyle set forth by my surgery.
God bless you all!!