My name is Elaine Moore-DeVaughn
I had my surgery done last week Tuesday and I feel fine. There are times when I just feel like laying down because you will get tired fast but I was told this would pass. So far I've lost 19lbs and I can really see a difference. The hardest part to me is this damn liquid diet. I only have 3 more days left whoo hoo!. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. My husband thought something was wrong with me because I was up cleaning the house and washing clothes 4 days after my surgery.
Good Luck, It will all work out!

Hi Luchianna!
I'm here to say....ENJOY the liquid phase while it lasts. I felt WONDERFUL and did very well...until I started pureed foods and now soft foods. WHOLE different ballgame when you're on foods. I pray that you sail through it with no complications or issues with keeping food down or getting stuck. I'm 5 weeks out from surgery (Aug 2nd) and the crummy stage doesn't hit until about week 3 or so. That phase lasts from 3-10 weeks or so.
Good luck!! I hope you sail through with no difficulties!
God bless you!!