How Much Have you Lost? Let's have some fun
I was told to expect 10-20 lb weight gain after surgery because of the carbon dioxide gas they fill our bellies with to make surgery easier and from the fluids that they pump into us post-surgery. I gained 10 lbs and it took me about five days to lose that.
Keep going everyone!! Let's be a bunch of losers!! LOL! I can't wait til we can all say..."I'm sooooo close to goal I can taste it!" or "I've reached goal!" This is gonna be the best cheering group ever!!
Love you all!

That is interesting Brenda! I had not heard that! So I'm not so weird after all having gained 15 pounds post op. It took me almost 2 weeks to drop that. But I'm a'losing now guys!! Slow but sure!
I did hear that if your calories are TOO low you will slow your weight loss down because our bodies are designed for survival and it will slow down our metabolism thinking we are starving. So not only do we have to keep our protein and fluids up we need to make sure we are getting at LEAST 700 calories in every day. Not easy for us with such tender, tiny tummies.
-Marianne C.

Great idea!!
Start 285.5
Pre Op (day of surgery) 280
Surgery Date 8-15-07
Current 257.5
Pre op loss 5.5
Post op loss 22.5
Total Loss 28
My surgeon only does one day liquid diet before surgery. No bowel prep.
I was wondering how many calories we are to get per day. My doc says liquid breakfast and ONLY two small meals rest of the day. I've been averaging about 450 calories per day.
Keep up the good work everybody!!

Gee if I didn't know that I WILL lose the weight I'd be getting depressed comparing all that you all have lost and the little I've lost! I am only SIX pounds down from my weight when I went in the hospital. I am doing very well with my calories too. Keeping them up around 600 - 700 a day... doing between 70 and 100 grams of protein and getting in almost all of the water every day. PLUS I am walking a mile every morning and evening and most days doing water exercises in the pool! I'm sure that any day now... hopefully SOON... my body will let go and I'll start seeing it on the scales. I really HAVE seen it in my clothes and face so I know I'm doing just fine. Just interesting to see how much you all have lost compared to me.
-Marianne C.
Is your pre-hosptial weight before our after the bowel prep? I took mine right before the bowel prep to see what the difference was and it was 5lbs. So once I came home, i was able to know my "true" starting weight.
Hang in there, you are so far being a poster child for the exercise part and will be rewarded big time on that piece. It is 109 here so there is very little outside walking to be done. I live in a small town so we usually drive the 15 minutes into town just roam the Walgreens. LOL. Expensive walk last time.

I didn't think of that Tammy! My "pre-hospital" weight I was quoting is AFTER bowel prep! I actually lost 3 pounds after bowel prep! So you're right! Including another pound I lost as of this morning I guess I can say I've lost TEN pounds. Not TOO bad since I'll be out of surgery 3 weeks tomorrow. Thanks! You made me feel a little better about that!
Marianne C.