Ear staple AND lap band???
Well guys I guess you'all are gonna get tired of me whining about not losing enough weight while following the rules...BUT for now Im thinking about doing something that may help me along with this...it is called EAR STAPLES and for those that havent heard of it, it is simply a staple placed in the tragus of the ear to help u lose weight through accupunture....ANYHOW, Im thinking of having this done just to help me with my mind hunger and to maybe help progress my weight loss....it doesnt cost that much suprisingly,it lasts for six mos at a time so if it worked it would be well worth it, only problem is my husband is all worried I wont be eating at all then because of the small amount I already eat? What do you guys think? Have you heard of this?? Any input would be appreciated..
Hmmm....that almost depresses me...lol BUT Im not giving up so one way or another I will lose what I need to eventually,just might take me a while.I just kind of wandered what it would be like to have both(lapband/staple) at the same time,my husband is concerned that I wouldnt eat enough to be healthy seeing that my food consumption has dramatically declined?? But I most definitely apreciate your input on this.
The lap band is for someone who is self diciplined and can control their eating on a regular basis. You will not get enough food to keep you healthy that is why it will be so important for you to take your vitamins like you are supposed to everyday. Trust me the surgery is so worth it, but either one is not easy. They are only tools, you cannot build a bridge with out tools, it takes will, determination, and strength. I am sure that you will explore all of your options and make the best choice for you. If you are not sure by talking to one doctor, always choose another one to talk to maybe they will give you more information than the first did. I love my dr, his name is David Kim and he is in the North Hills Hospital. God Bless you and good luck in your venture.

Thanks Kellie for your response,and I do agree with you,you must use determination to fuel you to acheive your goal and thats why Im not giving up no matter how slow my loss is! I have been obeying all the rules,eating healthy,and going to the gym I guess you just expect that if you do all those things then things will progress faster however it is sometimes hard to get yourself to understand what you know in your mind is right..lol,that is why I wandered if it would be dangerous or not for me to try the staple in addition to the band.I did call my doc today,only got to talk to the nurse but she hadnt even heard of it which fascinated me but I am gonna get his take on it tomorrow..thanks for listening.