My date is 8-13-2007!!
Hello there, I am new to Obesity Help. I was told about it through a friend who has their own page.. I am already through most of the process of getting Gastric Bypass.. They only thing I am still awaiting, is the actual surgery, but like I said above, it's on Monday the 13!!! I am so excited about it!
I am a little nervous too.. Any support that people could provide would be wonderful... If you could let me in on any "tips" that you found helpful that you wish someone would have told you.. Please pass them along to me!
I look forward to hearing for you!!!
Thanks! :-D
Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Im still pre-op myself will be having surgery Aug 29 so I will be right behind you. The only thing I could offer is my prayers and maybe to ask on the main board those guys are great. I am also on another support group and those guys are awesome also, email me and I will give you the link.
Hello All!
I'm also having LAP RNY on Monday (8/13). Talk about nervous! My belly's been flip-floppin all day. And then of course all those little demon thoughts go through my head...Am I doing the right thing? I mean, re-arranging my guts is a pretty serious thing...Will I regret it later? Then I think...Do I want to stay like I am? And the answer is a big NO! I've heard LOTS of people go through this and have these thoughts so I'm not alone. I just wanna get this thing over with! sheees!
Then today I drank some Fleet Oral Sodium Phosphate for bowel cleansing (per the Dr) and it made me soooo sick that I threw it all up. So needless to say...that didn't work. I sent hubby out for an enema. (not looking forward to that either!) If I don't get my bowel cleansed I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know if it's nerves or what...but I haven't had a bowel movement in 2-3 days. just my luck! Sorry to be talking about such an 'ucky' subject but I'm stressin over this!
Hey, it's not easy being full of s*it!
Moving on....
Here's to all of us August 13th LOSERS!!!
May we all have a perfectly safe operation...heal fast...and be up & running asap! God Bless You All...(and me)
Bye bye for now
Brenda (BizzyB)

Hey there,
I am so excited that you are now on the losers bench. I am 1 week 2 days post op and feeling SOOOOOOOOOO much better. You may feel yucky for the first 3-5 days, but honestly the day I was realised from the hospital was night and day from the day beore.
Look forward to sharing the losers bench with you.