August 13 Surgery Date
Hello Jim...
I'm August 13th also! And I'm getting a little excited
but also a teeny weeny bit scared too.
Not a lot scared, just hoping everything goes alright and wanting to get this part over with! (smile) There's so much to learn and everyone's experience is quite different. Right now I'm looking for all my pre and post op liquid protein powders, etc. They say our taste sometimes changes after surgery and what was good to us before might not be good to us after, and vice versa. Sheees! Confusing, right? It helps me to go to the nutrition part of this site (Obesityhelp) and see just what everyone else likes and doesn't like the taste of...but then again, everyones taste is different. Wow! Am I making this harder than it is or what? (smile) Anyway...Keep in touch and maybe us August 13th losers can get through this together. I have a feeling I'll be on this site quite a bit after surgery with lots of
and such. And I'm sure that we'll feel like real people once again!!
Have a great day!!! Oh, by the way..My name's Brenda (BizzyB) and I'm from Harrisburg, PA. Bye Bye for now!

I haven't gotten scared of the surgery yet, but I am a little scared of the drains that will be in for a week afterword. I guess that is a little weird. I am looking forward to the surgery though. I will be the first one they operate on Monday morning. I found that out when I saw my surgeon after completing my preadmission workup at the hospital.
I live about 2 1/2 hours from the hospital, so I have to drive down on Sunday. I have to be at the hospital at 5 am.
I wish you the best, and hope your surgery goes very smoothly. I will be thinking of you. Post a note when you are able so we all know how you are doing. I will do the same.