My New Life Begins On August 1st
I found out about a month ago, so I have been on the nervous end a whole month. I keep checking and rechecking my list of things to bring to the hospital and things to take to the hospitality house after I get out of the hospital. I have to stay in Richmond for a week after the surgery. Who is doing your surgery? What time is your surgery?
Mine is 6:30 a.m. I will be thinging about you and saying a prayer. Good Luck on your new life, keep in touch.
Hi Sheli, I am glad that you have a date. I have had mine for a month. I have been checking and rechecking lists to make sure that I have all the right items I need for the hospital and the hospitality house (I have to stay in Richmond for a week in I live over 100 miles away). I lists after lists. I am going crazy, but I am really scared, I am sure you feel the same way. I have spen so much time out on the internet looking and checking for information in this surgery for I went to Dr. Kellum. After I saw him and he told that he would do the surgery I did even more surfing of the internet.
How has you pre-op liquid diet been going? Have you lost very much weight with it?
Since the 18th I have lost 18.4 pounds. I surely hope my liver is shrinking a whole lot.
I wish you lots of luck with your surgery. Please keep in touch and I will. I will think of you on 8/1.
I was really wound up when I first got my date..but I think that only 7 days to get nervous was a good thing.
I too made I am packing all the stuff I listed. We live about 50 miles from the hospital, so we're staying in a hotel the night before but driving home when they release me.
I did not have a liquid pre-op diet. I am having the lap-band, so some doctors don't require one for that. How's your liquids going? I know it must be tough! I have lost 20 lbs since February when I got my referral to the surgeon. Just trying not to gain 5lbs (because any gain and they will cancel my surgery) So I lost 20...that made them happy.
I'll be thinking of you on the 1st when you get back ( I will too )