Eating by RNY Rules pre-operatively...
in order to try and acclimate one's self a bit early.
...Any one else trying to do this?
...Fell into some ice cream earlier. ...Its stupid, but I find myself saying goodbye to much of what I eat. ...Its strange, but liberating, in a way.
...I'm trying to increase my protein and not drink fluid with meals. ...Trying to sip liquids throughout the day, and decrease my carbohydrate intake.
A couple of months ago I decided that I was going to try to slowly train myself to eat better (so that the transition after the surgery would be easier). So what I have done since then is quit eating fast food, quit drinking sodas or any carbonated beverages, eat smaller portions, and I try to stay away from caffine and sugary foods and drinks (though I have slipped up a few times). I think that I am going to try to stop drinking while I eat, but it seems so daunting at the moment
I think that I'll get it eventually though

I was told I need to loose 27 pounds pre-op and I was praying to have surgery as quickly as possible. After my initial consult (june 3) I vowed right then to not drink pop or have fast food. I've basically avoided carbs and have actually found it easier and easier as I've progressed. Yesterday I was at a birthday party and had no problem saying no to the ice cream and cake, nor did I feel strange passing on it
I've been doing a protein shake for breakfast and trying to maintain smaller meals. I'll admit the hardest thing has been portion control.
I'm down 17lbs and have my pre-op consult next week. 2 weeks after that is surgery. Don't know if I'll need to go on a liquid diet or not, but I do have a very active/long week the week before surgery so I'm sure that I'll be able to drop probably about 5-10 lbs.
Good luck, I think the pre-op preperation will make it easier to adjust to the eating post-op (I hope!!!)

I have been doing the same thing as you. I had chinese food yesterday, my favorite fries today and chocolate. I am not eating a lot, but when I get the chance to say goodbye I am.
After I eat it is liberating, because I look at it and realize it is ONLY food. Here in front of my and in a few minuts gone forever. It feels like it doesn't have the power over me.
I am fazing out soda this week and begin drinking iced tea. I love iced tea but I need to work on water. The biggest thing is learning to drink before i eat and not drink while I eat.
It is overwhelming and I lack discipline, which I know we all can relate to to some degree.
I am excited to start my new life. I have such hope and excitement to begin living agian. it has been a long time.
I too have been doing this, I haven't had caffeine or a carbonated drink in almost 2 weeks. My surgeon gave me a 1200 calorie diet to follow until surgery he does not require a liquid diet. I have been sipping water all day without meals about a 32 oz sippy bottle. I have been chewing every bite 15-20 times, this is hard as I am a fast eater. I am taking my multi vitamin and of course keeeping a food jouranl on MY daily plate. It was hard at first but I am getting the hang of it. I will start and excersize program next week to try and prevent some extra skin. Now if I can just that approval.