August 6th is my date and I can't wait
hi there jackie,
yes my insurance is paying. thank god. i would not be able to get it if it wasnt. to be honest from the time i got it in i always was tender in the port area. then it just slowly progressed until the port area turned real red on the outside of my skin about the size of a big orange. it hurt and was very hot to the touch. i knew i needed to go to dr. so i did and he said it was infected, so they took it out. i gained weight afterwards. i knew that surgery wasnt for me from the first three months i had it. wish i had went gastric but i was just scared because it couldnt be reversed. keep me informed on how you do.
Hi Jackie,my surgery is scheduled for Aug6th as well. I am both scared and excited about my new life that awaits me. I too decided to have the lapband but more and more reading sorta discouraged me and I was glad my insurance didn't pay for it becasue the letter came back disapproved. I thought I had all the info on lapband but to me hearing from people that have actually had it really made me make up my mind. So it was sorta good for me the letter came back saying no to the lapband. My Doc submitted for the Gastric and they approved in like lie. I am glad and feel better about having the Gastric. But in the end Jackie you have to do you! Do what you feel is best for Jackie. Don't listen to me or anyone else. Make up you own mind which it sounds like you have and go for it lady. I am happy for all of us to take a stand and go for