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Topic: RE: pre-op diet
I love your cookie-less fortunes idea!!! That is so great...
I have been compiling a list of things that I want to do post op that I can't or don't feel comfortable doing now. I am also trying to document, for myself, things that my weight has inhibited me from doing or problems that I have now due to weight so that I can look back when times get hard on the post op journey.
I know that it will be a tough road, but I don't want to forget how I feel right now...I need to remember this so that I NEVER get back to this place physically.
Heather T.
Topic: RE: Eight - Eight is my Date!
Congrats on your date, 8/8 is a cool date...(I'm almost a poet there!
Leslie is right, we all have nerves as our dates are you are in good company!
Someone once told me that if you aren't nervous, then it isn't important to you! But we all deal with things differently...
I have been trying to occupy myself with other things: work, organizing my house, touching base with friends and family...but then, I still have three weeks to go....
I am sure I will a wreck when my week comes along.
I can't wait to hear how all my August buddies do in the next couple of months!
Heather T.

Topic: RE: August 3, four days and counting...
Congrats on your upcoming surgery. I am sure that God will guide you through and give you the strength to take these important steps (literally and figuratively) towards your new healthier self!
I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you make a quick and great recovery. The rest of your life begins this week!!
Congrats and best wishes,
Heather T.
Topic: RE: Hi Soon to be Losers
Hi Barbara,
I am also having surgery on 8/2/06 it's almost here. I know I have been busy getting everything I am going to need like broths, sugar free jello and pudding, protein powder etc. I partially packed my bag last night for the hospital just a couple last minute things I need to go in. Also at my pre op visit they gave me my incentive spirometer so I have been using that to help get my lungs in good shape for surgery.
Best wishes on your surgery, I hope everything goes super and that you have a quick recovery.

A good friend sent me this. It is a chart to keep track of what we take in daily.
I printed & love it.
Hope it helps you
Surgery: August 1st
Topic: RE: August 3, four days and counting...
Congrats! My surgery is August 1st.
yes I was a nervous wreck & seen the bathroom more times than I should.
Hang in there & can not wait to see you progress.
Topic: RE: August 3, four days and counting...
Kelle, I am the day before you (8/2) and I will also have trouble with the walking part, I will take my wheelchair and use it as a walker, that way if I am in too much pain to continue, I can sit a bit. My doctor did not tell me how far or how much time he wanted me to walk and he knows how hard it is for me... so I will try my bt. I understand the need to move and can do some arm and laying down leg movements that might help.
I like you visual of the buble of grace idea. I too am not a wreck, not worried, not ancious, and a bit excited. I have not packed yet, as I will not bring too much, except what I use everyday.. ie. cream, tooth brush etc.
I'll tell you what I am a bit worried about is not able to take my pain meds, as my back injury has such high pain level.
Wow, are we ready???!!!!
Hugs, Pam
Topic: RE: Surgery on 8/22
Just wanted you to know that your surgery date is one that's been lucky for me for the past 18 years... it's my wedding anniversary date!!!
I'm sending you my prayers for an uneventful surgery and a quick recovery!