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Topic: RE: Changed Date to 8/2- TERRIFIED & EXCITED
So sorry they pulled one switcheroo, and now maybe two.
Mine was delayed by 2 weeks, but I figured what can I do--(it was due to Doctor injury!)
But date confusion once you're all geared up, it takes a real mental shift and getting used to. I can understand your feelings. Don't get down on yourself for having them.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be on full liquids the final week, after seeing it mentioned here on others' posts...I started to panic that I wasn't well-informed...but I doublechecked and my doctor's group only requires ALL-liquids for about 36 hrs prior to admission. I think the duration must be a matter of personal preference on the part of our surgeons or maybe a medical group requirement.
Hang in there.
Here's hoping you'll get beyond all their futzing around before too long,
Ramona Lisa
(near San Diego)

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Tuesday, August 1st is my day.
I'm going grocery shopping to get some necessities that I will need in the next 4-6 weeks.
Packing: mmmmnn, I should do that. I will pack this evening after getting some laundry done. Taking: slippers, robe for walking, Bible, picture of my daughter, lip balm, brush & hair clip. I'm sure I'm taking some other things, just not sure of what.
Topic: RE: Hi Soon to be Losers
Have a great Op-Day, Barbara!
Mine is August 7th.
Remember lots of people will be thinking of you as you get up for that first walk down the hospital hall and back!
Hear the Cheers,
Ramona Lisa

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hi Heather,
Wanted to give a "Here" shout-out to the August surgery roll call!
What a Great idea. This response to your invitation is my first ever communication on the site. I started the whole process of researching WLS 4 yrs ago and now my surgery date is August 7th.
Now that its just around the corner, I wish I had discovered and been active on here much earlier. My surgery was supposed to be July 25th, but my doctor hurt his hand. (Help!) But apparently the injury is slight and so I was happy to grab a cancellation slot not long after my original date.
I don't know if I've been living in a fog or what...
because it's just hit me in this past week that I need to start thinking about that packing list. And the prep-list for post-op at home. I normally travel for a living and am SO used to packing at the last minute. But for the hospital stay, I hadn't given it much thought. I'll definitely be looking for all the hot tips everybody in the "August Renaissance" can provide.
I'm also having surgery at a familiar hospital where my father has been a cardiac patient for umpteen surgeries & procedures. Their staff is Top Notch & "Uber-accomodating". If I were to forget anything,... I guess I just figured they'd take good care of me and get me whatever I need. HA! (Yeah, Right.)
By The Way: Lots of Luck & Sincere Prayers for your Dad, as well as for you.
Ramona Lisa,
San Diego

Topic: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hey August Surgery Buddies!
Our month starts on Tuesday....What is your surgery date? What are you doing? What are packing for the hospital?
If you are going in this week...let us know so that we can sign your surgery page and keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Good Luck everyone! Keep us posted on how you are doing when you get home...when you are not resting
or walking
Heather T.
My date is August 24th in Pa. I am organizing my house today and trying to keep my mind off of my PAT's tomorrow.
I have not packed for the hospital yet, so I am interested to hear what you all are taking!

Topic: RE: One Month to go!
Hi Dawn!!
Can you believe that it is almost here? It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for the call from Peggy for our dates!!! (and we thought that it would August was forever away!)
I go for my Pre-admission testing tomorrow at Barix...Hopefully, everything will go ok and they will clear me. If so, I will save a seat on the Loser's Bench for ya!
Good luck and hope to see ya soon!
Heather T.
Topic: RE: pre-op testing
Congrats and Good Luck on Tuesday! I hope that everything will go well....
Keep us posted!!
Heather T.