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Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hi All!
I'm checking in. My surgery date is Tuesday, August 8th. I was originally scheduled for July 14th, but my surgeon had an emergency, and had to reschedule me. They tried to reschedule for last month, but dh was out of town, and I wanted him here if at all possible. I think I'm about as ready as I can be.
I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers as your dates arrive!
Topic: RE: First Hello from an AUG 7th...
Welcome Ramona!!
My date is Tuesday and I have been surprizly calm. I also have been in the process for what seems like forever - so i have had plenty of chance to research and be comfortable in my descion!
Good luck to you and I will check in as soon as I am home to wish you well!!!

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hi Heather....CONGRATS! 

Our month is FINALLY here! Yiiippppeeee....can't wait!
Surgery date is 08/22. I am keeping VERY busy and am hopeful that this will make the next three weeks fly! Pre-op testing is tomorrow, another step towards goal!
Regarding what to take, I have been told...less is better as you really don't need much. I have also been told to make sure to have a pillow, especially needed for your return trip home to have between yourself and the seat belt.
Wishing you the very best on your journey! Candy

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
I am One of the first to go here - On Tuesday!
Looks like there IS a lot of us!!
Pretty much what is going to get done is DONE - as it is now Sunday night. I did my final bit of shopping for me and the rest of my family for the next couple weeks.
Laundry - done
Packing - done! (list is on my profile - I will update it with what I actually used when I return!
pre op diet - done (nothing but clear liquids tomorrow)
Tomorrow I am going to work in the morning, just to keep my mind off things! Then I have a couple people to see tomorrow afternoon, just to chat and make sure they know how I feel and what the next couple months will bring.
Bowel cleanse starts tomorrow night and my angel it coming to town to get me through the night! I am sure I will be reading profiles tomorrow like CRAZY when I can.
I will also take some time for me to read all the words of encouragement I have been sent - or collected of off peoples profiles, and to pray and meditate for awhile.
Good luck to everyone this month and I will update as soon as I am home!!!
Topic: August 28
I just want to introduce myself to my August friends. I am Trish, a middle school teacher and social worker/therapist. I have two part time jobs this summer, just to keep me off the streets and out of trouble.
I have my pre-admission testing on the 31st, and then I will have a better picture of what to expect in the next month.
Take care.
Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hey Heather,
You are my Barix August Sister. Loved meeting you at the meeting in July. I won't be there this month,as I will be in Erie, earning some more graduate credits.
I wasn't nervous till this week. I guess it is the pre-admission testing that is rattling me.
I have to start cleaning my apartment. It may take all month to get ready for this, and I am going away for a couple of weeks. ACK!
Well, I will see you at pre-admission testing. Stay cool.

Topic: RE: God has a sense of humor . . .
OMG, Ann.....In reading your post, I thought I had written it (even down to the insurance approval for Lapband when I wanted RNY...)
Take care of what you can, and everything else will fall into place or can wait....
Most importantly, take care of YOURSELF!! Let the year of YOU start now.
Other than that, you'll be in my prayers for a safe surgery and good result...
Hang in there!
Heather T.

Topic: RE: August 10th here ....
Me Too, ya'll!!!!
Boy, its a good thing we don't all have the same surgeon . . .

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
I just posted my roller coaster ride to WLS, but I wanted to touch base here too. My husband and I have a 26 year tradition of having . . . interesting . .. wedding anniversaries. During the years, August 11 has found us 8.5 months pregnant, in different states, moving, the first day of school, (I'm a teacher), desperately ill, stranded with car trouble, and so on. This year it will find us in the hospital, as I begin my WLS recovery. I will be having surgery the day before, on August 10th. But this opportunity gives us the chance for many more anniversaries to come!