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Topic: RE: Hi Soon to be Losers
Too bad we can't get to OH from our hospital room... I imagine in the future internet connections in the hospital rooms will be like TV and the telephone are now.
I will really miss this board, and my hubbie could read the posts to me... it would be like having all of you in my room
Thanks for cheers, I will remember that as I take my first walk in LOSERVILLE
Almost a loser,
Barbara Anne

Topic: RE: Hi Soon to be Losers
I hope you had a great day at Pre Op Testing... my group was great... we bonded well and everything went smooth and I learned Soooo much!
It just seemed like forever between then and my date of surgery, I thought how am I going to handle this... so I have been busy each day doing little things that helped me to feel I Was Doing Something and not just waiting.
I hate waiting.
When exactly is your date of surgery?

Topic: RE: Tomorrow's Surgery!!!!!
My day is tomorrow to!
I actually am working today - figured it would help pass the time and I would not be so tempted to eat!
Tonight my angel is coming to town and I am going to go talk to some people and make sure everything is straight with them. I also am going to take some time for myself to pray and meditate to make sure everything is alright with God.
I am sure I will not sleep much either - but Hey - we can sleep most of the day tomorrow! 
I am looking foward to getting up and walking tomorrow and i heard that first cup of ice chips is just heavenly!!
Good luck to everyone this month!

Topic: RE: God has a sense of humor . . .
What is a type A personality ?????
Ha ha just kidding!! 
That is just way too cool! Congratulations and welcome to the Almost Losers Club.
I keep thinking I should pinch myself... this just doesn't seem real.
pinch.... ow! pinch.... ow!

Topic: Tomorrow's Surgery!!!!!
Greetings surgery mates,
How you preparing for your big day????
My surgery is tomorrow Aug 1. I keep holding my breath and have to remind myself to breathe. I havent packed my bag yet, so I will do that soon. I bought all sorts of travel toileties. I plan to pack a chapstick, robe, blanket, pillow, cd player, headphones, comfy sweats, sports bra, and socks with rubber bottoms. Am I missing anything???
I will probably go for a long drive to occupy my mind and kill some time. I hope I will get some sleep tonight! Its not likely, but one can hope.

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
Hey Barix Buddy!
Yes tomorrow is August 1....and August 28 (my surgery date) is right around the corner! I am so excited and like you, I am nervous about the Pre-op testing. Please let me know how it goes. I have started organizing too.. boughta file cabinet, wardrobe organizer and pulled out my small suitcase for the hospital stay. I also bought new slippers. I have bought chicken broth, SF Jell-O, SF popsicles. Not sure what protein stuff to get yet. I am still in disbelief sometimes that my life will be changing very soon. But I am so ready for this. I will see you at the August Pre-op meeting I hope!
Take care and talk to you soon!

Topic: RE: Our Month
Hi Jan!
I never really liked August.... the back to school grind.... fall is really coming and then ...winter... [shiver]. BUT now I think AUGUST will be my favorite month after Christmas {Jesus Birthday} and Easter { His resurection}
Congratulations on your soon to be moving to Loserville !
From one Almost Loser to Another,
hugs, Barbara

Topic: RE: First Hello from an AUG 7th...
Hello Ramona Lisa,
I haven't had time to check out your profile. ( I love those profiles) but...
Wow! Just a week away for your New Life. Keep me posted and email if you wish, how things are going. Wishing you all the best on your way to Loserville

Topic: RE: August Surgery Roll Call!
This is Barbara
Wednesday August 2, 2006 is the First Day of my NEW LIFE!
I already posted what I have been doing, but I never thought of a picture of my son, or a book to read so Thanks to those who posted those things.
uuummmm in my suitcase I have slippers, Big Undies, they said that I might want bigger than usual as the site can be quite sensitive. Also I bought two tops that have built in shelf type bras ---I just can't handle totally bra-less- again for comfort. Toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and pads.... my hospital said most women get their period immediately after surgery, and I want my extra super longs with wings
Today I am eating (a little bit) of my last favorite foods for a while. It really isn't a sad goodbye.... more of a 'I am affirming that this is my choice ' goodbye.
[pretend their chugging diet root beer]
I KNOW I want to do this..... I KNOW I am making the best possible choice for ME and for my Future Well Being.
Three cheers for the August 2006 OH Losers
great big Hugs,

Topic: RE: Hi Soon to be Losers
Thanks for reminding me about the spirometer.
I just keep forgetting to do that! Yesterday two of my friends spent the day with me and she made it her job to remind me .... in endeavoring to 'catch up' on all my forgotten days she had me doing it every fifteen minutes!!
I don't know if that will make up for my missed ones, I hope so.
Sounds like you are really on the ball, I will be eager to hear how you will do on your surgery. Write as soon as you can