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Topic: RE: Date set...Aug 28th
We share the same birthday.
That is so exciting.
How far is Kalamazoo from Lansing? My daughter lives outside of Lansing in Perry. I was just in Michigan last week to celebrate her 30th birthday.
Have a great weekend. Keep in touch.

Topic: RE: I'm Home :-)
Welcome home and congrats on being a loser! It's great to hear you're feeling so well. I hope to do as well as you!
Topic: RE: Our Month
that is so funny about the sunless tanner. lol. I have already given all of my winter clothes away because i dont expect to be able to wear them by the time it gets cold weather lol. If i dont lose im sure in a Jan
Topic: RE: have a date, need support
I've been cleaning my house and packing up the largest sizes of my winter clothes. I'm planning on having ALL of my laundry done and put away before I leave so I won't have to do a thing when I come home. I cleaned out all the tempting stuff from the fridge, freezer and pantry. I have baby spoons and baby dishes. I have small storage containers. I bought ice cube trays to freeze small portions of food in.
Things I'm bringing to the hospital that weren't mentioned:
- Laptop computer
- Favorite pillow
- iPod
- DVDs
- Camera (to take pictures of the friends who visit me)
- Small Scrapbook (for people to sign when they vist. I might not remember they were there)
- Hospital paperwork
- Journal
- Magazines/books
- PJs (I'm not down with wearing a gown)
Topic: I'm Home :-)
Well, I came home last night after having surgery on Tuesday. I feel absolutely fine, and have lost 11 pounds already - of course, the liquid diet did that!
I have been off pain meds since Wednesday morning, and am up to about 4 ounces of fluid an hour. Warm tastes better than cold, and I'm finding some of the things I bought to have when I came home are NOT my favorite foods. I used to eat Jello all the time, but now it seems to have some funky taste to it, as does broth. Hot tea is my friend.
I feel really good - a little tired still, but in the hospital, they wake you every 2 hours to check vitals.
My surgery was scheduled for 7:30, but I ended up not going in until 10 due to an emergency procedure in the room I was scheduled for. They kept me on bedrest the entire day and overnight, but then let me get up the next day. I walked the halls until I was bleary eyed - I couldn't wait to get home!
So, I'm home, feeling good, optimistic that all will continue to go well!
Topic: RE: I'm home & doing OK...
Glad you are home and doing okay. I hope you continue to recover well!
Congrats, on the date change
. Will you have time to get everything done before your surgery?

Topic: RE: Date set...Aug 28th
on your date. I know how you feel, my surgery is August 21 and It seems like I just started my journey the 26th of April and now its a reality.
Good luck on the rest of your journey.

Topic: RE: have a date, need support
Congrats, Gwendolynn,
It looks like we have the same date
. I dont know what time my surgery will be I hope its the first one that morning. I'm having the Lap RNY. Some of the things I have done are:
1. Get broth (organic)
2. SF ice pops
3. Cream soups
4. SF jello
5. Low fat SF yogurt
6. Whey Protein (Orange creamsicle and unflavored)
7. Cottage cheese
8. Pedometer (so I can keep track of my steps)
9. Chap stick (Carmex)
10. Samples of Isopure fruit drinks (on Bariatric Website)
11. Chewable Iron, Calcuim with D, Multivitamin
12. Sublingual B-12, B-Complex and Biotin
I know I am forgetting something
. I hope this helps.

Topic: RE: I'm home & doing OK...
I'm so glad everything went well and that your home resting. Keep us updated on your progress.