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Topic: I'm home and recovering!
I had surgery Tuesday morning and have been home since Wednesday afternoon. I have to say this all went much better than all my fears played it out to be. No pain medicine since hospital, just getting my breathing back to normal since when in surgery all of your goods are pushed around a bit.
I'm down near 5 pounds and just hope I can keep strong with the liquid diet until the easier days come! (Have to admit.. My stomach is not hungry, my smell is still normal, but my want for flavor food comes and goes only mentally). Stickin with it and feeling much better every day!
Topic: RE: Aug. 7th Surgery
Rose I will definetly be praying for you too.....God luck and much sucess to you.....
Topic: RE: I'm Home :-)
Thank you all. It is an amazing ride - I went to the hospital in tears, and feel so much better today than I could have hoped for.
I am not kidding myself that the worst is over - I'm just going to stay optimistic that all will continue to go well.
Good luck, Monday, Sharon! I know you'll do great!!
Topic: RE: I'm Home :-)
Glad you are home and doing so well! I hope I do as well! Monday is the day!!!

Topic: RE: I'm Home :-)
Congratulations. I am glad you are feeling as well as you are. That is promising. Keep walking and keep drinking the water.
Topic: RE: have a date, need support
I have done some, but not all of my preparations. I have some cotton night shirts I like to sleep in, and am taking my favorite down pillow and pictures of my kids and cats.
I have purchased some chewable vitamins, but haven't gotten the chewable Calcium or Iron tablets.
I need to get an iPod or MP3 player.