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Topic: RE: Welcome Home August 1st and 2nd Buddies!
i'm doing well.
except for the occasional tiredness, i think i coul dhave gone back to work today.
see my profile for details
Topic: RE: Date change again/by 1 day/now on AUG 8th
Thanks so much Tanya.
I AM kind of nervous today.
There was one Rx from the Surgeon that I didn't fill yet...going out to get that now. Not even sure I need it before the surgery--but will find out. Thanks for the tip on the patch.
I wouldn't have had a clue! Hope everything's going well for you. I know I'll learn a lot from your scouting the lay of the land ahead of me.
Thanks for your email.
Lisa in Ramona

Topic: RE: Question for the new post ops's/veteren post ops?????
Barbara- I am thrilled you are doing better. Was this last bit a possble dumping? I have not had those feelings yet so I am wise to hear how others are not having them and what triggers them.
I get that thanksgiving fullness after I eat my food that can last over an hour most times if I eat cream of wheat, yogurt- but the s/f popsciles and broth go in well and sit well inside. It was suggested that i try green tea or hot tea in general and it was wonderful. I get more fluid in and the warmth I get from it makes my stomach calm...
Keep me updated and I am so happy for you!!!!
Topic: RE: Question for the new post ops's/veteren post ops?????
My Meals: sf pudding, sf jello, sf yogurt, apple/peach sauce, broth. I add protien to everything. If I can't get protien from it I don't eat it.
Liquids: H2O, crystal light, mint tea w/splenda
They have had me taking pills since a day out of surgery. It freaked me out at first but I haven't had any problems getting them down.
GMy pain meds make me tired. And yes I get worn out easly. Naps are a must for me!
I'm still bloated because my hemorhiods dont allow me to pass gass or have BMs like most other post ops
I'm just walking for exercise
I drink about 35-45oz of liquids + meals
I gained a few lbs after surgery and now I have lost those and am down a couple more.
My pain level is still high because of the hemmorhiods and the issuses they cause but the pain from the actual surgery has greatly subsided. I have only been felt sick once and have never thrown up.
Topic: I'm starting to get nervous
I'm having surgery a week from tomorrow and I'm really starting to get nervous.
I've been reading up about the surgery for months. I've met plenty of people who've had surgery and visited them in the hospital. That doesn't bother me.
I think I'm most upset about going in, changing into the gown, getting my IV and walking to the operating room. That has just got me in knots today. I know at that point, I'll be out, so nothing will bother me to recovery, which isn't upsetting. I know I'll be gassy and achy and tired, and that doesn't bother me either.
It just kind of feels like I'll be lamb to the slaughter. There's something terribly unnatural feeling about going (willingly) someplace to get knocked out and cut open.
Anyone else? Any other first time surgery people?
Topic: RE: Just called and I am scheduled for surgery at 12pm on Monday, August 21st!
Hey Michelle,
I'm right there with you, we both had the same re-birthday
keep in touch!

Topic: RE: Home and feeling great!!!!
I have lost the hospital weight and then some I am down 13lbs from my weight when I came home on Friday. That is a lot of weight so I am happy again.
I called and made my week post op check for thursday and asked about the protein requirement and they said just do liquids right now until he sees you and then we can add protein. I just hope I am not tearing down what protein I have in my muscles. But they said that no right ow I am healing and they dont want the site irritated and need me to stay hydrated the most.
I have decided the only walk outside after the sun goes down. This heat is not healthy enough for me to do it during the day. I have a treadmill that i bought years ago that I can take my laundry off now and start using as well rofl I know I am bad
I am still getting a little tired during the afternoon and I take a small naps. My family thinks I am doing too much and wearing myself out. I dont think I am up and moving and doing as much as I should.
Pain only on the left side now where there is swelling. Taking the meds only once a day and then sometimes when I lay down for bed. But I do feel great after having this major surgery only 5 days post op lol
How is everyone else doing? Anything you have found has helped?
Topic: RE: Home and feeling great!!!!
for liquid proteins i use the promedis shakes. they are 80 cal 15 g of protein and no other garbage. also use bariatrix protein or vhp shakes.
all are available from your doctor or at
the hospital weight is swelling from the surgery. it will disappear in a few days and be passed as water.
stay hydrated and cool......not far in 104 deg unless you are really used to ut
Topic: Just called and I am scheduled for surgery at 12pm on Monday, August 21st!
I cant believe it is just 2 weeks away from today! I have to be there at 10 and surgery will begin at 12.
Topic: RE: Show them some love!: Aug 3-8 surgeries
Hey! Ramona! Way to go... you'll be up and at 'em in no time. I have a spot reserved with your name on it.
Best thing about these spots on the bench they are 'shrinking' spots... just like you will be {{{{Ramona}}}}
hugs, Barbara