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Topic: RE: soooooooooo mad
I know how you are feeling but think about it there is no way at this point you will gain actual weight we are not eating nearly enough, I think they say it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. Think about how much you have lost in such a short period of time, when was the last time you did that? Your body needs to adjust be easy on yourself this is a HUGE adjustment for all of us. I have been the same for almost for over a week, it's going to come off just be patient. Good Luck
Topic: RE: Pure Frustration right now
Hugs. Don't have any advice you don't already know but wanted you to know that I understand. I'm at a stall. I'm 4 weeks out today. It is so frustrating. And the fear is so real. Hang in there. I know this tool will work. Email me if you want to vent some more cause as we know the scale is not fair.
Topic: RE: DON'T WORRY, my August friends!
Loved your post. I also said to my husband if I wasn't never hungry I'd think the surgeron didn't do anything cause I feel great. Only difference is I'm eating 400 to 500 calories a day and I'm full. We have to remenber that we are all learning a new way of eating. It is very scary and I know I'm afraid of making mistakes. But each day I try to do better. I want to up my protein now. I'm getting around 50 grams and would like to up it to 60 grams a day. The nutitiousnes said I should begin to get around 600 calories a day so I am going to try to up my calorie count to. But I'm not kicking myself when I don't. Your post hit it on the nail. We need to relax and do the best we can. Our tools will work.
Topic: RE: Pure Frustration right now
My first thought is where are you in your monthly cycle, and could it be water weight related to your cycle? Keep up with the protein, and water intake, and increase your exercise. Most of the old timers on the PA forum say that this means your weight is shifting around. I hope you are able to start losing soon.
Topic: Pure Frustration right now
I am struggling here guys. I have been stuck on the same weight for 2 weeks. This may not seem like alot to anyone but I am only 8 weeks out today. To get on the scale after choosing the right protein and drinking water when I am not even hungry and not see an ounce is starting to kill me. I thought at first well, aunt Rose came to stay for awhile. Ok she left and nope. I went back to work for the first time after 6 weeks off and nope again. I set myself up on that one too, as I swore I would be able to lose a huge amount by going back to work.
I have been more active than when I was sitting around here doing nothing. I am no longer walking cause of 3 straight 12's and then camping, hiking and 4 wheeling for 3 days in a row. Sweating to death as well. No again. I am going to go reactivate my membership to 24 hour fitness today when I wake up.
I got to work last night and was talking with my unit Doctor and burst into tears. I asked is my tool broken, am I once again failing ANOTHER diet and on and on. There I go again with these tears. He reassured me but I heard nothing as all I could hear was my failing. I spent 16 weeks drinking only 800 calories with no food and lost 24 pounds only. I seem to get to this exact weight of around 220 and dont ever move. I cant take another failure. My clothes are the same I think- still baggy but not enough to move to the next lower size.
I do fitday everyday and my calories are between 400-800. There is NO sugar, bread, pasta and so forth. I eat cottage cheese with pineapple, salmon, chicken liver, pork chops, beans and cheese ( lots of cubes, string and so forth) protein shakes to get in more protein, no lactose, yogurt and chicken salad. Lots of water, coffee and sugar free kool aid packets. Where am I going wrong????
I am aware I am whinning here, and I dont mean to seem so self centered when others are struggling with their very lives. But my self-esteem is crap right now. I feel as if I am a failure once again and not sure if I can handle ONE more time. I took my life in my doctors hands and my children having a mom to beat this once and for all. My heart is hurting and I feel defeated. God please place your hands on me and help me discover peace within.
Anyone have any suggestions here? I cant talk to my "other friends" cause they are all going to say see I told you this would never work and so forth. You know, do and feel and understand this right? Man this is so hard to admit and be vunerable. Thanks for allowing me spill it here- means more than you will ever know.....
252/261/220/140 STILLLLLLLL
Topic: RE: soooooooooo mad
OMG, I am pretty sure this happens to quite a few people. It's impossible for you to actually gain fat at this point, so it has to be water or something else. Don't stress about it. I've had a few days where my weight has gone up so now I only weigh myself once a week. If I do breakdown and weigh in between there I know to not stress about it if it shows something I don't like. Maybe I read the boards too much but I have read so many posts from people who have gone through this I know it's not a big deal. Everything will be OK.
Topic: RE: DON'T WORRY, my August friends!
Great advice to everyone. Thanks for the encouragement.
Topic: DON'T WORRY, my August friends!
Hi all. I've just spent a great deal of time on this board reading the messages and responding to some of them. I thought I would take some time to post a topic of my own to reassure some of you.
A NEEDED thing to do is to quit worrying about some of the stuff you are thinking about. I can tell it's driving some of you crazy with worry and anxiety. YOU ARE OKAY and YOU CAN DO THIS! You *know* what you have to do:
1. Get enough protein
2. Exercise OFTEN--my doc recommended at least 5 times a week.
3. Take your recommended vitamins and supplements.
4. Keep hydrated.
Now there are some other things you might want to do (Or, the things I have learned in the month since my surgery)
1. Stay off the scale if you can't handle weighing every day. Try to wean yourself from it. If you stall or gain, (both of which I have done) and it totally freaks you out, then maybe you need to weigh in only once a week, or every two weeks, or maybe even once a month! I know we are addicted to the scale, and I'm no exception--I weigh every day and keep a graph of my weight loss--but if weighing is causing us to stress or experience anxiety, then maybe we need to re-evaluate the place the scale has in our lives. We don't need the mental stress added to the physical stress our bodies are already enduring.
2. Give yourself mental and emotional kudos and pats on the back. You are doing well. I'm sure we all think, "Maybe I'm the one this surgery isn't going to work for" or something similar. Let me share with you *my* crazy thought. I actually thought that perhaps my surgeon didn't really perform the surgery on me. I didn't feel any different. (Except I could only drink about 1.5 oz in the hospital before I was stuffed.) But really, I entertained this idea, thinking that the so called "surgery" was going to fail me cuz he really didn't do it! Now, I really had to talk myself out of this one. (Message me for details.) We all think something like this, that the surgery is going to fail us. It WILL FAIL if WE FAIL to use it as the tool that it is. That means following the 4 "rules" above.
3. Don't compare your weight loss with someone else's. Our bodies are individual, and even our surgeries are individual, even tho they are all the same procedure. But give yourself a little slack...we are US, and we are going to lose in OUR way, not like anyone else. I had to really tell myself this one for a while.
4. Don't freak out about stalls/plateaus, or even weight gain. Our bodies have went through quite a bit of physical trauma from the surgery, then the rapid weight loss. We ARE going to stall, and maybe even gain a lb or two. I've done it. Like I said, if it's what you see on the scale that you can't handle, then wean from the scale. But if we plateau or gain, then we need to reason with our brains that our bodies are just adjusting. Give yourself gentle excuses, and be loving to YOU. We had this surgery not only for our loved ones, but for US.
5. Remember that when we are not losing pounds, we are probably losing inches. Do you measure? I'm not as obsessive about that, and I KNOW I've lost inches...I can tell by the way my clothes feel. I can tell by looking in the mirror. This is especially true if we exercise like we NEED to. I personally hate exercising, but I know I gotta do it, and when I decided to have this surgery I commited to doing what it takes to be successful. Have you made that commitment? But if you are worried, then measure weekly. That may be helpful and boost you all up.
Umm...I think that's it. I hope I have not been harsh or long-winded. I only wrote this because of the major amounts of mental anguish I read on the board this morning. It made me sad to see many of you scared and worried, and feeling like you are failing, or will fail. Don't let yourself get into that mode of thinking! I love you are all my August buddies, and I want us ALL to be successful. Let's do what it takes to achieve our dreams, and boost each other up along the way!
Please feel free to email me anytime for an encouraging word.
Topic: RE: I realized something this weekend.....
I sooooooooo hear ya! I don't think, even now, that I was a big emotional eater, but working with my counselor has helped me evaluate what my relationship to food was before surgery and how it is changing now. I do experience "head hunger", and I am very aware of it. I am rarely physically hungry, but on the upside, I can eat anything. Yes, I take *tiny* bites and chew WELL. Nothing has gotten stuck or made me sick, but my head sometimes plays games with me. I wander into the kitchen and mindlessly open the refrigerator door and think, "Hmm...what's in here that I can munch on?" Then I realize what the heck I'm doing and slam that fridge door shut! Stupid head hunger! But let me tell you, seeing my counselor every week or every other week REALLY helps.
PS. I love how when my hubby and kids eat together, I can eat my tiny amount and sit there and chit chat, and pick slowly, get full, and I don't have to keep eating and eating til the plate is clean. My attitude towards food has changed! YIPEE!!
Topic: RE: excersize
Hi. I'm doing about 2.5 to 3 miles uphill on the treadmill. I really make myself sweat and it sux. I hate exercising. But it's really helped.