Today is my Happy Rebirthday 1 Year Surgiversary Day!
WOW! What a year it has been! I am so glad that I made one of the best decisions of my life! I am down 112lbs ~ and still going!
There are so many things I can do now that I couldn't/wouldn't do a year ago ~
take a picture ~ with me in it!
cross my legs ~ I also have a lap now!
walk without back pain/sweating ~ I've been told I'm walking too fast now!
doing anything without sweating
sit on the floor and get up without help
shop in the women's dept instead of plus size
buy smaller shoes - did my feet shrink??
drive with the windows down on a warm day instead of the A/C
sleep with a blanket because I'm freezing ~ in the winter & the summer!
put on make-up, paint my toes & be girly
feel sexy instead of embarrased
blending in instead of standing out
Some of the best are ~
at work during vendor visits and them walking right past me! I was told by one that he didn't know who I was and thought I was somebody new.
saying good morning to everone while getting coffee at our local coffee shop, and hearing back ~ good morning beautiful ~ and feeling that way, beautiful!
being able to be hugged by my kids and they can actually get their arms all the way around my waist ~ with them saying they couldn't do that last year!
there are more things that could be listed, but

Happy Rebirth Ellen.......
Mine is on the 28th and your list here is exactly like mine and could go on and on.
We are so blessed to have been given this life changing tool.
I thank God daily for doing this in "his time" and not my own.
Life is so different now...I sometimes think of life before and its hard to relate to now....I mourn "her" sometimes and think of that old me often.
I find myself getting
at the different way people treat me now...I was just as kind and valuable then as I am now...but now its like night and day huh?
Happy Day to you honey...Im proud of you!

Hey Ellen and Pam, congrats to the both of you, that is just so fantastic~!
Pam, I rarely come on here anymore, but I try to see how you are doing when I do! Remember we have the almost same surgery date (mine is the 29th). I am sooo happy I did this too! So far I have lost 100 pounds since surgery and 118 all together. and yes I can relate to what you say about you being the same person as makes me angry too. We truely were discriminated against as fat people.
Ellen, I can so relate to all your list, it is so much fun shopping for back to school clothes (I am a teacher) and shop at any store I want! and find clothes to fit! My dream was to be a size 12 and now I I want to be a 10! haha actually I have not lost much in the last 2 months, really wanting to enjoy where I am at.
Yippee...and congrats to us!!
Live, Love, Laugh and Learn~