What a difference 1 year makes....
Tomorrow is 1 year since I had Lap RNY.
Happy surgiversary to all my "August" buddies.
I can't believe the changes I've experienced in just this past year.
I've lost 130 pounds.
I'm a size 4.
I'm no longer obese.
I have a normal BMI.
My thighs dont rub against each other anymore when I walk.
I can exercise and I actually like doing it.
I don't get tired from doing small things like I use to.
I feel like I'm wonder woman. lol
My feet have shrunk.
I can walk upstairs and not lose my breath.
I love that I can buy clothes anywhere I want.
I feel "full" and love that feeling.
I'm wearing a bathing suit this summer and I feel "comfortable" in it for the 1st time in 18 years.
I love the daily "wow" moments, when I figure out something else I can now do that i couldn't do before.
And last but not least, I feel "pretty".
What are some of the changes in the rest of you "August" buddies that you've noticed?

Kenny can wrap his arms all the way around me..
I actually physically feel full
Food no longer controls me
I am learnig tolove exercise, I do it but don't love it yet
I wear a 12/14 vs a 32/34 whoohoo
I am not obese, better yet I am no longer super morbidly obese!
I'm getting to knwo the person inside that was hidden
I was able to prepare Christmas dinner and able to stand up during the process with not much problem. I have arthritis in both knees and since loosing 105 lbs since 8/2006, this has really helped. It was nice to be able to do my Christmas shopping and being able to last more than 30 mins at the Mall.
I love looking like a normal person now. I am a size 8 now from a 2x. Love my new size 8 Levi Jeans and was able to wear high heeled boots to go along with them. I am only 4'11 so had to have the higher boots as the jeans were so long.
I am glad I am able to eat like my 32 yr old dtr, who has never had a weight problem. Now I can see why, she just eats small amounts at a time like I do now.
I feel sassy and sexy