3 weeks....3 pounds.....
I have my 1 year check up in 3 weeks. I still have not lost 100 lbs. Only 3 away. How frustrating, it feels like I will never get there. I am very happy with what I have lost. No other time have I been able to lose 97 lbs in a years time and keep it off. But I have not had much loss at all lately, I seem to have lost focus on my journey. ok I admit it I have gotten lazy. Any suggestions on how to turn this around and get my head back in the game. I feel like I can eat far more than I should. I think I am hungry MOST of the time. I do get all my vitamins in, and the majority of my protein. Excercise, yeah I could do better, but just not feeling motivated. I have only had what I call a dumping experience maybe once or twice, so nothing I eat "scares" me. Pasta and rices give me the foamies/unbearable pain, so I steer clear of those. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.