As we approach 1 year post-op...

on 7/7/07 5:03 am - LaBelle, FL
What have you learned about eating? What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned about others? What do you wish you'd known 10 years ago? What bad habits do you still need to dump? What do you struggle with the most? I'll post my answers too! Hugs, Lea
on 7/7/07 6:08 am - LaBelle, FL
What have I learned about eating? Hmmmm, where to start! First, I learned that I needed a lot more protein per day that I have eaten in my average day as a pre-op. I never was a big meat-eater.... I probably averaged less than 30 grams of protein per day before my WLS journey started! I've also learned more about the good/bad carbs. I've learned ways to make things healthier than the normal way.... What have I learned about myself? I CAN lose weight! I'll be 40 this year. I've dieted more times than I care to even try to count in those years (all but the first 10 that is). And most of my diet attempts failed miserably with no weight loss at all. Part of that was my severe hypothyroid situation. Part of it was poor portion control. But, I always thought that it was mostly just the fact that nothing I did worked for losing weight. Now, 165 pounds lighter, I see that I can do it and I can keep it off. I just needed my handy-dandy tool to help me out! What have I learned about others? Oh, that could be long! LOL First, people like to feed those they love. Why? Who knows! I guess it is because food can be such a comfort to people that creating a special meal or taking someone for a special meal gives a person the sense that they are bringing comfort to others. And, food events are big social times too. In the average family these days, the only time there is any real conversation is over food. We don't slow down enough any other time of day! So, food becomes the focal point of family time and time with friends.... We have to change that! We have to learn to make time to socialize that is not done over or around food! I've used exercise time for this lately. My 18 year old daughter and I have grown apart quite a bit since she moved out of my house. I just added her to my Curves membership and I stop to get her and take her with me when I go to Curves. She doesn't need the extra exercise (less than 25% body fat...lucky girl!), but it isn't hurting her any AND I get to chat with her as we go round the circuit. We don't have anything else distracting us. The guys aren't around to demand our attention (my hubby, her boyfriend). I usually go at a time of day when there are only one or two other folks there, so we get to exercise and chat and usually have a good time. It makes the time pass faster too! What do I wish I had known 10 years ago? Well, I wish we'd exercised more.... That goes without saying. I wish we'd learned sooner that what we thought of as one portion was usually 2-3. I wish I'd has WLS 10 years ago! My kids were still in the single digits then (5 and 8) and I would have gotten SO much more out of these last 10 years if I'd done it even at the weight I am at now (245)!! I was already in the 300s then. I wish I had had a better understanding of the effect of my thyroid issues then so that I was keener to the symptoms and what they meant long term. I wish I'd been taking even a plain ole multivitamin all those years... The only vitamins I took over the years was the prenatals when I was pregnant! Live and learn, right? What bad habits do I still need to dump? Well, I still have to MAKE myself go exercise. I still am too sedentary. I need to get more in the habit of exercising. I need to get a weight resistance program going. I NEED TO STOP PROCRASTINATING!!! That is what it all boils down to!! LOL What do you struggle with the most? For me, it really is distance... Let me explain. I live 25 miles from the nearest grocery store, place to exercise, Walmart, etc. I live in the country on top of a hill in the middle of freaking nowhere! Gas is $3 a gallon and my vehicle gets 15 to 16 mpg. SO, to drive that 25 miles each way to go to Curves costs me about $10. If I went to Curves 10 times a month, with the cost of gas and the cost of my single membership it would cost me $130 a month! So, due to this, I don't go enough! I don't have much in the way of exercise equipment at home, so I'm restricted in what I can do there. Mowing the lawn is a big part of my exercise routine. We're having a drought where I live, so mowing it every 2 weeks just ain't getting it these days! I have to do other stuff! I did make it to Curves twice this week! I am going to try and go to Curves EVERY time I have a reason of any sort to go to town.... Need groceries? Go exercise. Need animal feed from the feed store? Go exercise. Need to see the Doc or pic up Rxs? Go exercise! You get the point. Problem is that sometimes the timeframe isn't right. They are only open till 7. They are closed at lunch time and they are only open for 3 hours on Saturday and not at all on Sunday.... SO, I'm going to try to get there whenever I can! I have to start getting some of my money's worth out of that membership! I've been a member since last October and the number of times I have exercised there is pitiful! Hubby would sh*t if he knew how little I'd actually used that membership! LOL So, for me, it all boils down to exercise... I am not motivated enough. I don't do it enough. When I DO do it, I sometimes over do it and can't or don't want to do it again for days. Sometimes this is overdoing to the point of trouble with my discs in my back and days of pain. Sometimes it is overdoing it (like with all day lawnmowing) to the point of days of muscle soreness (uphill/downhill is hard on bad knees!). But, if I was doing it more often, I could do less at a time and get more overall benefit from it... You get the point! I would love to have some sort of weight resistance exercise machine at home. My surgeon recommends Bowflex or a generic version of it. Who can afford that! LOL I don't need another monthly payment! But, if I can find one used and cheap, I'm going to snatch it up! Any suggestions???? Lea
on 7/8/07 6:54 am - Grovetown, GA
What have you learned about eating? Like you I had no idea how much I was eating at one time, an entire bag of chips, 12 inch sub, two or more diet cokes and then cookies, brownies, or whatever... I was out of control.... I love the fact that while I still have times when I am tempted to graze, my little friend mrs. pouchy does have an achey breaky heart and she'll let me know when I am stuffed... Thank you Jesus! I have tried to find other things to do to distract myself when i feel the urge to graze come on... I truly enjoy good health more than any potato chip ever tasted What have you learned about yourself? It actually took me being obese to get to know the Judy inside, for years I looked like a barbie but was so insecure, and then the weight came and my personality came out, I accepted Christ and He saved my soul and now has saved my life. I pray that as I continue to morph into my new physical body that the inside continues to surpass any physical changes, I truly am learning how not to be obese, and still am not comfortable with who's looking at me in the mirror. What have you learned about others? Many different things, mostly that during this journal while you may grow with more self confidence it's important not to become arrogant or conceited, that there are those who loved me at almost 400 pounds and still do, and those who never loved me at all. There are those who support and encourage and those who like to sabbotage your efforts or at least try to. What do you wish you'd known 10 years ago? That my thyroid was so toxic, and that I had polycystic ovary disease so that I would have understood that while I was able to lose weight traditionally, there was not a good chance to keep it off. My back is so bad, and the weight loss is helping and I'm really active, however , had I have know this then, I would have considered this surgery then. But you know, it really boils down to HIS timing... What bad habits do you still need to dump?Sugar free gum, I pick my fingers, (nerves) ,grazing/snacking. I still have to make myself exercise most days.. I want to get to where I love it and crave it. What do you struggle with the most: Self Image, who is this that I see looking back at me?
on 7/8/07 7:05 am - Grovetown, GA
Have you looked in the local free papers for used equip or in your newspaper? How about a gazelle? I love my gazelle.... it's amazing and you can do all kinds of things aerobically on it and also strength training, they're about 100 at walmart...
Christina H.
on 7/7/07 12:47 pm - Mesquite, TX
What have I learned about eating? That I use food for much more than sustenance for my body. I learned that I didn't know what to do with myself of constant eating were not an option. I learned that food was my mentor. I learned that food was my drug of choice and my way to avoid dealing with emotions, situations, crisis and celebrations. What have I learned about myself? I am my own worst enemy. I am stronger than I ever thought. I do not take care of and or love myself nearly as much as I do the rest of the world. I am not alone. What have I learned about others? The people you thought were the least judgmental - are some of the most predjudiced. The people you thought had no time for you - respond when you smile at them. In most circles - thin is acceptable - fat is not. 10 years ago?? I wish I had known I was ok. I was a decent person. Being thin feels great...physically and emotionally...but I am still me. The same person I was. I wish I would have known I was worthy of my own admiration. I wish I would have known noone cares about my fat thighs or my bulging tummy. They are living their own lives. I wish I could have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. My ongoing issues: snacking...eating to make me feel better...self-sabotaging My biggest struggle: Fear. Fear of the unknown...fear that I will mess this up...fear that I won't have longtime success...fear that I do not have what it takes to make it thru this....fear that I will wake up tomorrow and will be the fat girl all over again.
on 7/9/07 7:49 am - Oxford, ME
Great post Lea!! Here are my answers: What have you learned about eating? - My little pouch will tell me when I've taken 1 to many bites. lol What have you learned about yourself? - I can survive on very little food and still be happy & healthy as long as I take my vitamins and supplements like I'm suppose to. - I can exercise and I actually like it. It makes me feel good after, kind of like a new "drug". - That I like being a size 4/6. I want to stay right here where I'm at. I feel very comfortable here even if others think I'm to small. What have you learned about others? - That the people that loved me when I was heavier and still love me now as a smaller person, are the only people that matter. The others that were my friend when I was heavy and now want nothing to do with me don't deserve me as a friend. I'm still the same person I was, I still have the same feelings I had before. I'm no better or worse emotionally than I was when I was heavier. Mean people suck!!! What do you wish you'd known 10 years ago? - I wish I had, had WLS 10 years ago. I feel like I wasted so much time being over weight. Time I can't get back. I never could of done this on my own without WLS and will have to struggle for the rest of my life to keep if off, but I promise to myself that I will never allow myself to get to where I was before WLS. I will use my "tool" and use it wisely. I'm so lucky to have been given this "tool". What bad habits do you still need to dump? - Wanting to eat at night. I know I don't need it, I'm only hungry because I didn't get enough food in earlier in the day. I need to pay more attention to make sure I'm eatting enough earlier, so I stop losing weight and stay where I'm at. What do you struggle with the most? - "Head" games. Still having "fat" days. Waking up feeling like I'm still the obese person I use to be. Looking in the mirror and seeing the heavy person I use to be looking back at me, but knowing I haven't been this small since I was 17 years old. I know it's all "head" games but I still struggle with it.
on 7/15/07 9:45 am - Rexburg, ID
1. Eating has consequences: I now can feel what I eat in terms of I feel sick (milk) I feel good (fruit) I feel stuffed (cereal) I feel like throwing up (meat) I make conscious choices about not feeling bad from things I put in my mouth. Sometimes I repeat mistakes (why I still try real mil****asionally is just stupidity). Most of the time I have learned from bad reactions what not to eat. 2. About myself? I'm just as lazy about exercising now as I was before I lost the weight. Not a good thing! But I keep at it if not whole hog. I don't quite understand it either, because when I'm exercising I feel good and I can see results right away. It's almost like I'm keeping something bad about my body (flabbyness) instead of just going for how gorgeous I'm looking compared to what I was. 3. About others: mixed reactions. Some obvious jealousy that I'm not having to "do it the hard way" like they are. Some people worry outloud that "you'll get too small." Some people do not recognize me. Some are not comfortable with the flashy figure I now have. I think I almost consciously gained the last 50 lbs. to fit in with the rural, ultra religious fatties in this neck of the woods. They are not very comfortable with me any more. That's sooooo O>K> 4. Like others, I wish I'd done this 10 yrs. ago. What a waste of time and life worrying about every calorie that went in my mouth and the size of my body. I always felt too big and guilty about being hungry or enjoying food. Now I eat what I want and feel so comfortable in my size 4s. I just don't want much or often. 5. Bad habits? again. procrastination. putting off exercising. not planning enough protein. 6. Struggle with: lack of exercise. Well, completing this little survey tells me quite clearly that I need to focus on getting over the mental and physical exercise hurdle. Tells me I need to plan my meals better. It's been so easy in a way. I've gone from 222 to 144 with very little conscious effort on my part. My biggest challenge has been to eat enough and drink enough water. It doesn't have to be hard to work. It is a huge gift and 2nd chance. I want to do my part to deserve it. I can say that I always appreciate, every single day, that I no longer have my body size and weight as my #1 pre-occupation. The self loathing is gone and I feel beautiful again. My heart aches when I see some gal lumbering through the plus size section, It's hard to believe that was me only a year ago. I am so grateful.
on 7/15/07 11:30 am - LaBelle, FL
You guys have posted some GREAT answers! I guess this was good for self-reflection?? Lea
Ms.Traci C.
on 7/19/07 8:01 am - Southern Cal girl living in the South, AL
Hi! What have I learned about eating...I use food as a balm. It makes me feel good to eat candy,chips etc. I learn that food is fuel for my body...put good fuel in and utilize it in a productive feel great, you look great. What have a learned about myself? That I am worth the struggle that I still go through daily. What have you learned about others? I knew that people would be mean and not be supportive of my personal decision to have surgery. I knew that I would be the topic of discussion...what I didn't expect was people who I considered friends to desert me. I am the same person, I am not judgemental about what they eat or even where we go to eat so why would you abandon me, now? It has made me stronger for sure but also very sad. What do I wish I had known 10 years ago? How to stop eating...hehe, no there is so much I want to change in my life but mostly it involes my personal life which is probably why I made food my best friend. Bad habits I still need to dump...snacking. If only I can stop snacking... What do you struggle most with?? Mmmm..hard one. Snacking is still my demon. I exercise and eat right. Fluid consumption is also a constant struggle as well. Hugs, Traci
on 7/19/07 11:49 pm - Grovetown, GA
Man, that hit home, Tracy... Snacking is the devil... I really struggle with this too... It seems that I went thru the honeymoon stage with no issues with this and now the night burglar is calling... aughhhhhhhh Stop..... I too need to eat more in the early evening so the 11 oclock snak attacks quit....
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