Carlos P Died March 14, 2007
Original Post by Wendy Pope-Glenn at 4:37 PM EST on 03/26/2007
On Wednesday, March 14, my baby brother Carlos Antonio Pope (Carlos P on this message board) died at the tender age of 33. Now many of you would say the standard, "sorry for your loss" but I am sending this to let everyone know that my loss and my family's loss is also the world's loss because my baby brother had so much to offer this world. I will have to go the Philly for the services early next week.
His young life ended because of complications to a gastric bypass surgical procedure. He dropped 150 pounds in a matter of 6 months. This procedure, I feel, cost my brother his life and me and my family a beautiful, joyous and spiritual individual. My brothers talent was and still remains an immeasurable gift from the Creator, he sang like Luther and played the piano like Ray. But his biggest gift was that he loved unconditionally and yet, he couldn't get that in return.
I would just like to say to all of my family, friends, and loved ones; Love yourself as you are, with whatever flaws, quirks, idiosyncrasies, etc. that the Creator has blessed you with. If someone cannot love you for all that you are then they won't love you ever, not truly love you. If my brother had felt that he was beautiful inside and out and that other loved and appreciated that beauty, then he might be here today.
It was laid on my heart to tell each and everyone of you that I truly love and appreciate you for all that you give to my life and all that you are to me. I love and accept you unconditionally and I hope that you feel the same way about me.
Life and time is fleeting, so always express and show love no matter the moment. If you don't hear from me, don't worry, I am dealing.
Love Always,
You Loving Sister Wendy